ELA has launched a campaign to demand tax reform and has performed an act outside the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao, under the motto It is time to reverse the tax system. According to ELA Secretary General Mitxel Lakuntza, this reform is more necessary than ever: "Not only for social justice, it's also a way to get out of the crisis," the lehendakari said.
ELA wants big companies to pay more. In fact, according to a study carried out by the union, large companies pay in taxes "one in ten euros" of what they earn. On the contrary, workers make a much greater contribution, as the three quarters receiving the tax receive them in the taxes on their salaries.
Last February the union published a relevant information: Last year, the 22 major Basque companies paid EUR 225 million less than the corresponding corporate tax, as the real rate they pay is 7.6% versus 25%.
ELA says that behind there is a political option and the governments of Navarre and the Basque Country have been the accomplices of this situation: "We need a tax reform to end this injustice," Lakuntza said. In his view, it is "absurd" to use taxation to attract businesses, and instead he has called for an industrial policy covering aspects such as innovation, training, supply networks, communication, etc.
The ELA proposal was explained in detail by a member of the Trade Union Bureau of Studies Xabi Zabala. For example, the rise in high income tax rates in IRPF; the specific rate applied to capital and the elimination of deductions and incentives in Corporate Tax; the nominal rate of 25% on yields; the capital tax and its progressive surcharge... "There is no need but political will," Zabala said.
In the coming weeks, the union will carry out more acts in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria to demand a change in the tax system and to make public its proposal.
PPrekin eta EH Bildurekin negoziazioetan porrot egin ondoren etorri da Ahal Dugurekin adostutako akordioa. Indar politiko honek aitortu duenez, maximalismoak atzean utzi eta errealitateari heldu diote, errenta baxueneko herritarren aldeko akordioa lortuta.
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