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What is "high-quality development"?

13 March 2023 - 06:40
Txinako lehen ministro-orde eta sailburu berriak / CGTN
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Along with the spectacular revolt of nominations, the 2023 lianghui, celebrated for a week in Beijing in sacramental form, has left us a conceptual contribution: "A high quality development".

The truth is that neither appointments nor concepts are new. The new high positions could be recognised at the 20th Party held in October. The conference was formed by analyzing the direction, as the protocol is millimetric in most cases. However, as post-Congress renewal is complete throughout the state apparatus (not only the Executive, but also the Legislature and the Judiciary and the control apparatus are suddenly renewed), the symlogists in our environment have a lot of entertainment for the coming weeks. Some have done so enthusiastically, with little data and plenty of propaganda fever. Deliberation, always in advance: all new charges are on the Xi string. Almost everyone concluded the same thing five years ago.

However, it is an otonite of "high-quality development" that is heard from the mouth of the protagonists, from word to mouth. And if it is not an expression, it also has little novelty, for example, in the collective learning already done by the renewed Politburo in January against this "new model of development". It should be remembered that these monthly studies of maximum power are usually the clearest and most transparent forecasts of the policies that the state apparatus will implement without delay. In this case, it seems that only the label should be adjusted.

However, the causation of the deep content of the concept is more complex. But not because its meaning is kept, but because it includes many facets. It is very clear that the big bet is for the internal market to become an economic pole, prioritizing self-sufficiency in most aspects (food, energy, raw materials, technology..), convinced that being optimistic with the environment in which the US works abroad is not realistic. However, it is also very clear that the search for autarky is rejected, because it is a pure logic in an economy that is still mainly exporting.

Those who immerse themselves in deeper waters and enter into a document that can be a draft of that "high-quality development", may be made more recent (provided they are satisfied with China's Western stereotypes) other components: the importance that this development should give to people's well-being and sustainability, the need for territorial balance and livelihoods..

Many of us who hear closer.

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