In addition to the real estate, the list published in the Official Gazette of Gipuzkoa includes: Bank deposits and taxes on account, pension schemes, shares, shares in companies, mortgage or personal loans debts and amounts receivable according to Treasury Statements of 2021.
Property of the Councillors of San Sebastian
In his declaration of assets, Mayor Eneko Goia (PNV) stated that he had a bank deposit of EUR 77,068 and that he had housing, garage and two cars owned at 50%, as well as a mortgage loan of EUR 318,209 at 50%. The PSE-EE spokeswoman, Marisol Garmendia, has no home or car, has EUR 52,000, in addition to the EUR 18,489 included in a pension scheme.
Reyes Carrere, from EH Bildu, is in a similar patrimonial situation – without property – but has a vehicle and in total has 1,294 euros in a shared account.
In the statement of the spokesperson for the PP of the City Hall, Borja Corominas, there is an urban housing of 45%, 7,000 euros in the bank, a participation in companies of the same proportion and two vehicles, a car and a motor. Aitzole Araneta, spokesman for Elkarrekin Donostia-San Sebastián, points out that it takes into account EUR 160,708, EUR 16,15 in shares and EUR 20,316 in a pension scheme, but not real estate.
Only four of the 26 councillors claim to have some activity outside the municipal office: Jaione Hervas (PNV) is a Basque Government official, Ricardo Buruaran (EH Bildu) is a lawyer, Mikel Lezama (PP) is a trainer and ski trainer and Aitzole Araneta (Elkarrekin Donostia) teaches courses and lectures. In addition, he appears as a pensioner Jorge Mota of the PP.
There is a big difference between the City Hall’s positions. For example, according to the money they have in bank deposits, Martin Ibabe (PNV) states that it has € 385,000, while Markel Ormazabal (EH Bildu) has € 500.
The recognition of public office goods is the mandatory procedure regulated in article 75.7 of Law 78/5, which regulates the Bases of the Local Regime. These data are also published on the municipal website and can be read in the transparency portal, where those from previous exercises are also saved.
Declaration of property of the Mayors and Councillors of the City:
Eneko Goia (PNV)
Property: one house (50%) and one garage (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 77,068,67 (50%). Pension scheme: EUR 1,996,84. Automobiles: Toyota Pirus/Mercedes Viano (50%). Mortgage: EUR 318,209,24 (50%). IRPF 2021: 74,938,44 (tax base).
Nekane Arzallus (PNV)
Properties: one housing (50%), two industrial pavilions (50%), two rustic (8.8%) and one rural (1.6%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 78,665 Other movable property: 34% participation in a company, 184 shares in companies. Pension scheme: EUR 12,971,42. Automobiles: Audi Q3/Mini Countryman and a Piaggio Vespa Medler 125 motorcycle. Mortgage: EUR 210,000 (50%) IRPF 2021: EUR 66,878,80 on a taxable basis.
Juanra Automobile (PNV)
Property: a house, a garage and a storage room. Bank deposits and impositions: EUR 286,407,72. Pension scheme: EUR 2,800. Movable property: copyright, executive rights and royalty rights. Car: BMW Section 1. IRPF 2021: EUR 68,485,58 tax base.
Pilar Arana (PNV)
Property: a house, a garage and a storage room. Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 143,000. Actions: EUR 6,000. Pension scheme: EUR 31,000. IRPF 2021: EUR 70,881,18 tax base.
Aitziber San Roman (PNV)
Buildings: two dwellings (one of them 80%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 17,446 (50%). Pension scheme: EUR 48,822,65. IRPF 2021: EUR 70,893,12 tax base.
Martin Ibabe (PNV)
Real estate: a home and a plot. Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 385,000. Actions: 99.570. Pension schemes: EUR 145,000. Car: BMW 330. BMW RS100 engine. IRPF 2021: EUR 66,906,59 tax base.
Jon Insausti (PNV)
Real estate: a home. Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 55,540,52. Pension schemes: EUR 30,276,99. Mortgage: EUR 104,685,38. IRPF 2021: EUR 60,457,56 tax base.
Idoeta Puppet (PNV)
Buildings: Rustic (25%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 29,058,78. Life insurance: EUR 130,000 Personal loan: EUR 4,988,77. IRPF 2021: EUR 45,073,20 tax base.
Jaione Hervas (PNV)
Property: a home (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 10,500 (50%). Social contributions: 50%. Pension schemes: EUR 7,415,75. Car: Seat Ibiza. IRPF 2021: EUR 34,357,40 tax base.
Marisol Garmendia (PSE-EE)
Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 52,000. Pension scheme: EUR 18,489. IRPF 2021: EUR 61,962,92 tax base.
Duñike Agirrezabalaga (PSE-EE)
Property: one dwelling and two commercial premises (one of them at 33.3%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 10,200 Pension scheme: EUR 150,000 Automobiles: Seat Toledo TDI/Peugeot 106 Sport. Mortgage: EUR 138.000. IRPF 2021: EUR 63,434
Miguel Angel Diez (PSE-EE)
Property: a house (50%), four garages (50%) and a storage room (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 114000 (50%). Actions: EUR 59,655,64 (50%). Pension scheme: EUR 43.169 Car: Mercedes DCL 250 Automatic (50%). IRPF 2021: EUR 57,022,15 of the tax base.
Cristina Lagé (PSE-EE)
Real estate: a home. Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 2,000 Actions: EUR 117,000 (39%). Car: Renault Scenic. Mortgage: EUR 143,000. Real estate repair loan: EUR 10,000. IRPF 2021: EUR 44,064,76 tax base.
Ane Oyarbide (PSE-EE)
Property: a house (33.3%), a storage room (33.3%) and a garage (33.3%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 38.000 (including EUR 14,000 to 50%). Life insurance: EUR 3,900. Pension scheme: EUR 8,238,25. Vehicle: Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge 69cv. Mortgage: EUR 399,247,07 (50%). IRPF 2021: EUR 31.066,54 tax base.
Reyes Carrere (EH Bildu)
Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 1,294.11 (50%). Car: Opel Zafira. IRPF 2021: EUR 65,844,54 tax base.
Markel Ormazabal (EH Bildu)
Buildings: Rustic (1/6). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 500. Other movable property: copyright and enforcement. IRPF 2021: EUR 35,265,47 tax base.
Ricardo Buruaran (EH Bildu)
Property: a home (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 72,700 (50%). Pension scheme: EUR 41,836,88. Car: Opel Insignia GS XFT Innovation (50%). Mortgage: 50%. IRPF 2021: EUR 40,582,38 tax base.
Olaia Duarte (EH Bildu)
Real estate: a home. Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 1,287,18. Life insurance: EUR 141,395,60. Pension scheme: EUR 988. Mortgage: EUR 141,883,80. IRPF 2021: EUR 36,149,76 tax base.
Zigor Etxeburua (EH Bildu)
Property: a home (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 51,184,97 (50%). Pension scheme: EUR 3,576,19. Car: Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI Tour (50%). Engine: Peugeot LXR 125 (50%). Mortgage: EUR 50.162.75 (50%). IRPF 2021: EUR 30,783,13 of the tax base.
Garbiñe Alkiza (EH Bildu)
Property: a home (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 12,500. Accident insurance. Car: Opel Vivaro. Mortgage: EUR 99.405,83 (50%) IRPF 2021: EUR 31.111,54 tax base.
Borja Corominas (PP)
Property: a home (45%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 7,000. Participation in companies: 45%. Car: Renault Space. Moto: Honda Scoopy. IRPF 2021: General tax base of EUR 65,463.
Mikel Lezama (PP)
Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 13,000. Actions: EUR 2,689,70. Car: Subaru Impreza. Mortgage loan not debtor. IRPF 2021: EUR 36,093,87 tax base.
Jorge type (PP)
Properties: four houses (50%, 33.3%, 13.99% and 13.99%), one garage (50%) and one rural land (33.33%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 132,400 (50%). Life insurance: EUR 95,788,84. Pension scheme: EUR 23,365,76. Car: Peugeot 3008 GT Line. Engine: SYM Joymax 125 Mortgage: EUR 107,784.26. Vehicle financing: EUR 15,000. IRPF 2021: EUR 34,977,08 of tax base.
Aitzole Araneta (Elkarrekin Donostia)
Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 160,708,42. Actions: EUR 16,15. Pension scheme: EUR 20,316,19. IRPF 2021: EUR 49,433,65 tax base.
Haizea Garay (Elkarrekin Donostia)
Properties: two houses (50%) and one garage (50%). Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 26,858,76. Car: Citroen C4 Grand Picasso. IRPF 2021: EUR 35,992,80 of tax base.
Marta Huarte (Elkarrekin Donostia)
Bank deposits and taxes on account: EUR 8,500. IRPF 2021: EUR 34,721,65 tax base.
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Donostiako alkate ohiak webgune bat sortu du, eta plataformarekin bat egiteko eskatu die herritarrei.
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Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.