Saturday 13 will take place the verbena Laiotz. On Sunday 14 will be the Donostiarras Physis versus Nomos and the Kerobia locals. Physis vs Nomos was the group that played the 20th anniversary song.
The Monday, the day of the approach, will be the Brothers Brass Band of Pamplona, first, and after Zea Mays and Bad Sound System. On Tuesday, Black Widows and DJ Miau. Wednesday will be one of the most special days, as Skakeitan will offer his concert as part of his farewell tour, and the Old Word 3gab2 will offer a return concert.
On Thursday, rock songs will take the stage: From Zestoa firewood will be distributed the Splinters and from San Sebastián Niña Coyote and Chico Tornado. On Friday they will jump to the Pirat electronics, with the singer La Furia rap and the powerful Donostiarra threesome Merina Gris.
And on Saturday, following the electronics, after the duo Dupla de Salvatierra, Alvva and Brava DJ will set the area of Flamenca on fire.
Ama Birjin bezperako afaria kontrako eztarritik bidali diete mugimendu feministak eta Donostiako Piratek Gaztelubide elkarteko zenbait kideri, asteartean izandako hamaika sexu erasoek –bi bortxaketa barne– eragindako haserrearen ondorioz. Urtero abuztuaren 14ko... [+]
Letaman (Intxaurrondo), Txantxarreka (Antigua), Kijera (Alde Zaharra) eta Añorgako gaztetxeek irudikatuko dute aurtengo Matti pertsonaia.
Abuztuaren 10etik 18ra bitarte egingo den Aste Nagusi Pirata aurkezteko agerraldia egin dute gaur Donostiako Piratek kaian. Aurten ere jaiak aurrera ateratzeko oztopoak izan dituztela salatu dute, eta Jaurlaritzaren erabakiak egitaraua eta jaigunea guztiz berrantolatzera behartu... [+]