Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

What can I do this year at the Vitoria festivities?

  • From 3 to 8 August, dozens of concerts and other shows will be held at the festivities of the capital of Alavesa. As throughout the summer, outdoor activities will be the protagonists, and at ALEA we have gathered all the quotes.
Besteak beste, Trikoma ska eta reggae taldea izango da Gasteizen abuztuaren 4an. Argazkia: Trikoma
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

30 July 2021 - 09:48
Last updated: 11:50
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In this year's festivities there will be no sucking or downhill of Celedón - the White Virgin Square - nor blouses and neskas programs, but concerts, folklore, bertsos performances, children's activities, theater, humor, ball and endless shows in different squares of the capital will be offered.

The concerts and shows of the Iradier Arena and the Buesa Arena and the theatre of the Main Theatre are added to these events organized by the City Hall.

Entry will be free and free until completion of the capacity, so it will not be necessary to purchase prior invitation.

From 4 to 8 August, the Municipal Music Band will offer concerts from 19:00 in the gardens of the Zulueta Palace. On the other hand, the City Council has decided to suspend the pasacalles of the giants and heads to be held in the Gipuzkoan town. This year, the barracks have been distributed in three txokos to be in Lakua-Arriaga, Salburua and Zabalgana between 21 July and 15 August.

The Txosnas of Vitoria-Gasteiz will not be put on sale this year, but the txosnas commission has submitted a programme adapted to the situation on 5 August.


Parque del Norte, from 13:00 hours

  • 3 August: Noa and The Hell Drinkers
  • 4 August: Trichoma
  • 5 August: Moni Garage
  • 6 August: Out Gravity
  • 7 August: Raúl Romo House Friends
  • 8 August: Clarisse

Iparralde Park, from 20:00 hours

  • 3 August: Fury + Ekiñe
  • 4 August: Moonshine Wagon
  • 5 August: Pure Relax
  • 6 August: Joseba B. Lenoir
  • 7 August: La Mare
  • 8 August: Office

Jardin de Falerina, from 19:00 hours

  • 3 August: Antton Aranburu
  • 4 August: Kai Nakai
  • 5 August: Déjà Vu
  • 6 August: Hip
  • 7 August: Shiny red Mood
  • 8 August: Montalbo

Basque and Bertsos folklore in the Plaza Santa María

The Plaza de Santa Maria will host the shows that historically hosts the Plaza de Matxete, especially the Basque folklore, the performances of bertsolaris and the shows in Basque:

  • Every day from 12:30: trikitixa performances
  • Every day, from 13:30: bertsos sessions
    • Tuesday, 3 August: Unai Anda, Xabi Igoa, Miren Amuriza and Maddalen Arzallus.
    • Wednesday, 4 August: Irati Anda, Aroa Arrizubieta, Beñat Gaztelumendi and Andoni Egaña.
    • Thursday, 5 August: Iñaki Viñaspre and Alaia Martin
    • Friday, 6 August: Eli Zaldua, Manex Agirre, Odei Barroso and Maialen Akizu.
    • Saturday, 7 August: Oihane Perea, Peru Abarrategi, Julio Soto and Oihana Arana.
    • Sunday, 8 August: Aitor Ugarte, Beñat Garaio, Erika Lagoma and Amaia Agirre.
  • 3 August, 20:00 hours: Dance in the plaza
  • August 4, 20:00:00:00:00 Bagels and friends of Elciego
  • 5 August, 20:00 hours: Xabier Aburuzaga
  • 6 August, 20:00 hours: Blank
  • 7 August, 20:00 hours: Balti
  • 8 August, 20:00 hours: GARIKOITZ Mendizabal and Gorka Hermosa

Children's shows in Falerina

In addition to the concerts that will be offered during the night, at 12:00 hours children’s shows will be offered in the Falerina Garden.

  • 3 August: Deabru Beltzak, Diverti-dantza
  • 4 August: Lanku, divers
  • 5 August: Kontari, Jolasean Isasi, Musikaz Isasi
  • 6 August: Imagery Nai, Tic tac
  • 7 August: Erre produkzioak, One of Pirates
  • 8 August: Eidabe, Gora kasete

Humor Corner and Jotas

On the other hand, in the Prado Park, at 12:00 hours, the jotas will be offered daily.

From 19:30, on the other hand, they will become a corner of the humor, where monologues and humorous plays will be offered:

  • 3 August: Gorka Aginagalde and Iñigo Salinero, Roland and Garrós, millennial cultures
  • 4 August: Txabi Franquesa
  • 5 August: Óscar Terol
  • 6 August: Ismael Pereira, Mitxel Santa Maria and Iñaki Maruri
  • 7 August: Nerea Garmendia
  • 8 August: Valeria Ros


In addition to the cultural events organized by the City Hall for the festivities, it should be noted that the Main Theatre has also scheduled four shows at the end of July and during the festivities:

  • From 29 to 31 July: This comedy, based on the book De la brevedad de la vida, is starred by Jorge Javier Vázquez and is based on the homonymous novel homonymous. In total, five projections will be made with projections, music, philosophy and a lot of humor.
  • 3 and 4 August: The alibi. A thriller directed by Bernabé Rico and starring Gorka Otxoa, María Castro and Miguel Hermoso.
  • 5 and 6 August: Murderers all. This classic comedy is directed by Pep Anton Gómez, starring Carlos sobera, Neus Asensi, Elisa Matilla and Angel Pardo, among others.
  • 7 and 8 August: One night with her. Loles León will rise to the stage of the Main Theatre with this new play. This work is a narrative of the history and the last 50 years of the actor's life, and uses the language of music hall and cabaret. Along with the great actor, Briel González and Fran del Pino also act, under the direction of Juan Luis Iborra.

Setting of the Iradier Arena

Within the Kultura Bizia initiative, during the months of July and August there will be many concerts at the Iradier Arena, as well as on public holidays:

Buesa Arena Nights

In addition to the concerts, the Buesa Arena will also host theatre shows and other shows during the Vitoria-Gasteiz festivities, as well as the days before and after, throughout the month of August:


In addition to all these cultural events, there will also be space for the ball in the Ogueta pediment, Santiago Day and during the festivities:

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& '97; Itaia calls mobilizations &' 97; No puncture! organising protection against attacks
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City Hall wants to ban popular food in the Gasteiz Txosnas
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