The Department of Health of the Basque Government renews every Monday the data of the vaccination campaign being carried out in the State. The data published on 18 January show the following (on this website you have to click on the "excell table of open data" to see them):
The CAV and Navarra are the last regions of the table in this edition. The CAV received on 17 January a total of 48,605 doses (47,205 PFIZER and 1,400 Moderna), of which 25,526 were administered, 53% of the doses received.
Navarre received on 17 January a total of 18,200 doses (17,700 Pfizer and 500 Moderna), of which 11,834 were administered, representing 65% of the doses received.
In the Spanish state, the most vaccinated are the Canary Islands and Valencia, with 99% of the doses they have received. Also Galicia (98%) and Asturias (97%) are the regions that have been the fastest in the vaccination of the flu.
Lehendakari Urkullu has presented as a strategy the slowest vaccination rate in the CAPV: half doses have been saved to ensure the second vaccination. According to the data of the Government of Spain (see table excell above in the last column), also in this case the strategy of the Government would be lower than that of the other Communities:
On January 17 in the CAV and Navarra there were 0 people vaccinated, that is, with two doses. By that day, Andalusia, which provides 70% of the doses, had already administered the two vaccines to 533 people. The Balearic Islands, with 79% of the administered doses, had a total of 155 people vaccinated. Catalonia, with 98% of the doses, has 167, Castilla y León, with 85% of the doses...
PFIZER announced on Friday that it will not be able to maintain production, as it has to make changes in the company to make more doses for everyone. The Spanish government has already announced that it would send the Spanish state 44% less COVID-19 doses in 2015. In view of this, the Government of Spain has again decided on the doses it will send to each autonomous community and, according to the explanations of the Health Advisor, Salvador Illa, the objective has been "uniformistic criteria" and the rate of vaccination of each community during the first week of the campaign so that each autonomous community has the age of putting a second dose to those vaccinated in that first week, which were fulfilled 21 days before.
As Illa explained, the week of 25 January will receive 100% of the doses scheduled for that week and 44% of those not received this week from the Pfizer. If this forecast was met, the hole to be covered would be the second of those vaccinated in the first week, with no problems vaccinating those vaccinated in the coming weeks.
As a result of this week’s cut, the CAV received on 18 January 56% of the planned doses of Pfizer (44% reduction), 8,736 doses, according to EITB (8,775 drafting doses according to the medical environment). Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has considered "unacceptable" the decision of the Spanish Government to "guarantee the second dose to communities that have not had vaccines" because it is "unfair" to the Basque Autonomous Community. However, according to Medical Writing data, the CAV is the community that has suffered the least cutbacks: Only the Balearic Islands (66%), Extremadura (63%) and Galicia (57%) outperform the CAV in the distribution of doses this week and the communities that have undergone a higher reduction than the CAV have a higher dose percentage than the CAV:
- CAV has received 56% of this week’s PFIZER doses and has deposited 53% of the doses so far in the vaccination campaign.
- Navarra received 50% of this week's doses of Pfizer (65% of the doses in the campaign).
- Valencia has received 54% of this week's doses of Pfizer, which in the field accounted for 99% of the doses. Murcia has also received 54% of the population (in the campaign it has deposited 86% of the doses).
- Andalusia has received 49% of this week's PFIZER doses (in the campaign it provides 70% of doses).
- Aragon, Castilla, Catalonia, Cantabria and Madrid have received 50% of the doses and all have a higher dose percentage than the CAV in the vaccination campaign to date.
According to Redcion medica on 18 January, private clinics have begun to offer for the vaccination campaign to be carried out on time: “If public services are unable to meet the deadlines on their own, private health care should be used, as it should not be forgotten that the important thing is to meet the deadlines for vaccination and not to stop vaccines”.
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