The video released by the emergency services is as follows:
Euskalerria Irratia reports that they have attended: Tudela Fire Service, Foral Police, Cintruénigo Local Police and Civil Guard. The surrounding areas have been emptied and assistance has been banned.
Road traffic accidents have a high mortality rate and injuries worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that more than one million people lose their lives each year as a result of a traffic accident and is the ninth leading cause of human death. In addition, the... [+]
Mila lagun baino gehiago elkartu dira bizikleta martxan, Irunen urtarrilaren 8an auto batek jota hil zen Jon Rodriguez txirrindularia omentzeko, eta ziklistek errepideetan segurtasuna izan dezaten galdegin dute. Egun berean gidari bat atxilotu dute txirrindulari bat nahita... [+]