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Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik! organizes a talk, exhibition and walk guided by the wind power plants. groups in Zizurkil

  • The company Green Capital wants to build a wind power plant in Andatza-Ezkeltzu and the Basque Government is aware that it is part of the "ongoing" projects. Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik organizes three activities to inform and sensitize citizens on the subject of wind turbines. Debates of the European Parliament

17 April 2023 - 12:00

Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik has spread the hand sheet in the houses of Zizurkil! groups. It says, "Andatza Ezkeltzu Bizirik! The Commission's proposal is based on the principle of subsidiarity. Wind power plants are industrial projects so they should be located in industrial sites and urbanized areas. Instead of industrialising the mountains, we are in favour of reducing energy consumption and decentralised micro-projects for renewable energy."

Three citizen awareness initiatives in the Aiztondo valley

To inform the people of the valley about wind power plants, the group has organized a talk entitled "Wind in the mountains, a solution or a problem?". Biologist and ecologist Aitziber Sarobe will give a talk on Thursday, April 20 at 19:00 at the Plazida Otaño library in Zizurkil. [Sarobe participates in Larrun on renewable energy. Here you can read.]

To explain the consequences of the wind power plant Andatza-Ezkeltzu, the group organized an exhibition to be held from 2 to 13 May at the Plazida Otaño library in Zizurkil. A special opening of this exhibition has also been prepared: on 2 May at 19:00 a.m., bird expert Aitor Leiza will offer a conference on birds of special interest living in the Ezkeltzu area. The death of birds is one of the damages caused by windmills.

On 13 May, a guided walk will take place on the high of Ezkelu. The group has given two meeting references: at 9:30 in Plaza Pedro Mari Otaño and at 10:00 on the slope of Ezkelu. Throughout this tour, people who are experts in birds, plants and archaeology will be made known firsthand. The tour will serve to discover the heritage of Ezkeltzu.

What would jeopardise the wind power plants in the Aiztondo valley?

Andatza-Ezkelu Bizirik! In the hand sheet that the group has undergone, the center points out the consequences it would have around it: "On the one hand, biodiversity: "Thousands of birds and insects will die directly with the arms of windmills. Among them are the species of Milano Rojo, Buitre Blanco, Pardo Bat, Gray Ear Bat and Great Herradura Bat... and the bees and insects that pollinate the area."

On the other hand, the team has warned that fertile soil will be artificialized and earth moves will be made to move and fix 200 meter mills to the top of Ezkelzu, "which will have an impact on indigenous plants and soil microorganisms."

The group also mentioned health: "The infrared produced by windmills causes serious damage to people's health. Also in cattle grazing in acorns."

Finally, they have recalled that their historical heritage is of great value: "The archaeological heritage of the Ezkeltzu War 36 is very important, among others, the most fertile trench found so far in the Saseta Defense System, in war materials".

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