Royal Decree 463/2020, establishing the State of Alarm, regulated in particular the following services, which are expected to remain in operation, although everything will be decided at the extraordinary Council of Ministers on 29 March:
- Production, transport and sale of food products.
- Power supply: electricity, oil, gas.
- Transport: ports, airports, train.
- Media.
- Police and armed forces.
- The health system.
The Cadena Ser has published the draft of the Order of the Ministry of Industry, whose elaboration has been rejected. The industrial activities that will remain in operation are as follows, as they are considered "priority" in this draft:
Food production, i.e. agriculture, fisheries and livestock and food and beverage processing. So does forestry.
The textile industry is also one of the priorities, the manufacture of work clothes and the like with fabrics, but not the production of normal street clothes (yes, sewing street clothes). Shoe production is one of the priorities.
Paper production is one of the priorities.
Also the production of basic and specialized pharmacy drugs. And manufacture of medical equipment.
The Order provides that the production of pesticides for agricultural use will continue to operate throughout the year. Manufacture of paints and varnishes. Also soaps, perfumes and cosmetics.
Building wood and plastic packaging is one of the priorities. Also glass bottles.
The draft of the Order provides for damage repair workshops in cars to be in place. It is also the maintenance of the road, cranes and so on.
The draft of the Order also has as its main objective the repair of machinery in priority activities. And also the cleaning service.
And it is also planned that the shops that guarantee maintenance will be opened: hardware stores, electricity, electronics, paint and dyes shops...