Cedar, the native cedar in America, is known as “cedar” to trees of many other genera. Cedar Cidro Cidrus Cidro de Occidente (Chamaecyparis thyoides), known as Cedro Blanco de Cerquillo, Cedro de Verdura (Juniperus bermudiana), Cedar de Chile (Austrocedrus chilensis) or Cedro Europea (Virginzordos), Japanese cedar (Crypcetomeria japonica)
All these cedar substitutes have some similarity: valuable wood, resin, aroma… But they are not cedars. The tendency of those who use the English language is to say “cedar” to all of them. In our country there is a similar trend: many people call pines all conifers. If we move away from the high mountains, ours is not the culture of conifers, but they have been beaten and eliminated, cultivating lush tiles that took off better performance. Until we brought the black pine: We also call “pine insignis” and in proportion to its yields “pine fast”, Pinus radiata.
Nature itself is creating and creating new variants in the liners, which also intend to expand and expand their caste, are natural. Because the natural thing is that, constantly hybridizing and bringing new living beings into the world. Right now, new kinds of plants are being created, it's a constant. For example, the first grilled blue cedar known 150 years ago (Cedrus atlantica “Glauca Pendula”) emerged. French viverist Louis Paillet planted in 1873 as a common cedar. Later, in 1890 he was transferred to the place where he currently lives, to the arboretum of La Vallee aux Loups, in Sein's Powder, and they realized that instead of the common cedar it was weeping. This new form is based on a strange mutation. The mutation is natural and produces some radiation. Since then, by inserting their cuttings, it has spread to everyone. It's beautiful in its beauties. It has a waist of 3 meters, measuring 8 meters high and covers almost 700 square meters. The forkatxes that hold their broad branches belong to the artist Francis Ballu. It is worth visiting the following coordinates: 48°46'24,000"N, 2°16'3.000"E