The Euskal Herrian Euskaraz (EHE) group in Zarautz has denounced that the Zarautz Municipal Police have violated linguistic rights. In a statement, the Municipal Police denounced that during the summer the linguistic rights of at least two Sarauztarras have been violated and that they are "convinced" that they are not the only ones. The two cases have been similar: two local police officers have warned him while a citizen waited for his companion, and one of them has responded to him in Basque when he spoke to him in Spanish. The agent said "in an aggressive tone" that he felt "a lack of respect" to be made in Basque and to be directed to him in Spanish. The other Municipal Police officer knew Euskera, but did not make any translation and he also asked him to speak in Spanish. EHE sources have assured that the local police threatened to impose a fine because the citizen "remained firm" in Basque. The municipal representatives have denounced that the City Council worker acted with "contempt" and "authoritarian attitude" towards the Basque country.
The note states that Local Police officers are public workers and therefore "inevitably" must respect the linguistic rights of citizens. They call on the City Council to establish a number of requirements in the selection process and to ensure compliance. Moreover, they have pointed out that Zarautz is precisely the centre of the activity of the Basque Country, a member of the Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities (UEMA). They have shown their "concern" about the lack of adherence to the Basque Country by the Municipal Police, as in fact the municipality is Euskaldun: 85% of the population knows Euskera and 50.5% use it. They have called on citizens who have suffered such violations of language rights to contact EHE.
It was not the only complaint this week about violations of language rights; on Wednesday, ERNAI spread on social networks the violation committed by the Ertzaintza. An Ertzaintza agent told a young man that he was identifying: "You have an obligation to do so in Spanish because your identity card contains Spain," he added.