The Zaporeak association wants to raise EUR 40,000 "as soon as possible". If they do not get enough money, they have stated that they will no longer be able to feed thousands of refugees a day in the Moria refugee camp. At a hearing in Donostia-San Sebastián, they explained that the deadline has been set until March and that daily, monthly and annual costs have also been mentioned. For the development of the project, it is estimated that a budget of EUR 64,500 per month and EUR 825,000 per year is needed.
Since 2016, the Zaporeak Association has been working in Greece to provide all kinds of aid to refugees. As you have explained, there are currently a total of 42,421 refugees in the Greek islands. Of these, nearly 20,000 are destined for Morian, although the camp is reserved for 3,000 people, according to the organizers. According to the founder of the association, Peio García Amiano, "asylum processes are blocked by the lack of interest of the administrations".
To carry out the fundraising campaign, the current account of the Kutxa Gipuzkoa Solidarioa Foundation has been enabled: 2095 5381 10 1064092199 (Kutxabank)
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