Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A sentence suspending the operation of the Muga de Sangüesa mine

  • The Superior Court of Justice of Navarre has annulled the authorization of the Government of Navarre to the company Geoalcali for the exploitation of the potash, following the appeal lodged by Subai Erakuntza and Ekologistak Martxan.
Herritarrek urteak daramatzate Muga meatze proiektuaren aurkako protestak antolatzen. EiTB

23 October 2024 - 09:49
Last updated: 11:33

The mining project Muga potase from Sangüesa, the largest in Euskal Herria and the Spanish State, which has been the source of controversy and protest in recent years, has been questioned. The Court of Justice of Navarra has ruled that the mine is unique and, on the contrary, the company Geoalcali made three projects and applications: To the Spanish Government, to that of Aragon and to that of Navarre. Accordingly, the court has annulled the operating permit granted by the administration of the foral community.

Subai Erakuntza and Ekologistak Martxan appealed against the Government of Navarra and the company Geoalcali. To this end, they were supported by the Joint Platform to Combat Potash Mines of Bal d'Onsella and the Sierra del Cil.

In particular, this appeal questioned the legality of the resolution by which the Department of Industry of the Foral Community authorised the project of exploitation called "Goyo" in Sangüesa, and the court gave some reason to the environmental groups: "The project has been fragmented and that goes against the law," says the sentence, in which it is condemned.

Thus, the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra has stressed that the division of the project into three parts can cause the Environmental Impact Declaration to put aside some damage, including the geological or safety of workers, which may result from the mine.

The Superior Court of Justice of Navarra stresses that the division of the project into three parts can cause the Declaration of Environmental Impact to set aside certain damages, including geological or safety of workers, that may result from the mine.

Earthquakes, trucks and damage to aquifers

The associations that have promoted the appeal have denounced that at no time have they had "public access" to information on the measures that Geoalcali is supposed to take to prevent the damage that the mine would cause.

Among others, mention is made of environmental damage and geological risks: landslides, induced seismicity, transport problems – as explained, Geoalcali will use 500 trucks a day – and damage to rivers and aquifers. According to the Basque Government, the mine would also affect the Yesa dam in western Navarre.

Remains of a survey conducted for the Muga mining project in Undués de Lerda, Zaragoza, near Navarra. AraInfo / Miguel Angel Rabbits

These groups were "satisfied" with the ruling, which has already been appealed. In addition, there are two other appeals, one before the Superior Court of Justice of Aragon, against the project called 'Muga', and another against that of Madrid, called 'Frontera'. Both are still awaiting judgment.

Multinationals behind

Geoalcali, a subsidiary of multinational Highfield Resources, has stated that "it is nothing but a formality error" and that it expects administrations to "solve the problem quickly". The Government of Navarra, on the other hand, has not made any statements of any kind so far.

Last September, an agreement was announced between multinationals to obtain capital for the exploitation of the border. Geoalcali

Last September, in order to carry out the Muga mining project, Geoalcai announced an agreement with Chinese investors, specifically with Shandong Energy and Yankuang Energy, two of China’s largest energy companies.

The Government of Navarra applauded the agreement and stressed that the mine can create up to 800 jobs throughout the state.

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