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Controlled fire in Zambrana

  • The mayor of the town, Aitor Abecia, has denounced in his social networks the second burning of the Monte Txulato area in 30 years and has criticized the Basque Government for not sending a helicopter to fight the fires.
Sutearen ondoren Zanbranako lurrak kiskalita. Argazkia: Aitor Abecia, Zanbranako alkatea, @Aitor_Abecia Twitterren.

08 August 2022 - 12:14

At almost nine o'clock in the morning, the mayor of Zambrana, Aitor Abecia, said that the fire was stabilized through Twitter. The fire took place on Sunday near Mount Txulato, in the municipality of Zambrana. The fire caused the cutting of the A-3126 road, but no housing had to be evicted.

The Mayor of Zambrana has thanked all the earth and air brigades for their "laborious work." He has also criticised the Basque Government for not having a helicopter to fight the fires and sent a message to the Provincial Council of Álava: “Let’s see if the Autonomous Council of Álava calls us to plan forestry engineering, or if we leave the mountain on its own.”

Almost an hour later, SOS Deiak, which is dealing with the Basque Government's emergencies, has declared that the fire is stabilised, but the A-3126 road is still closed.

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