Main results for Zaldibar (full results here). 54.62% of those registered voted:
- EH Bildu: 465 (37.74%). In 2016 it won a total of 433 votes (29.82%), making it the second most voted force.
- PNV: 436 (35.38%). In 2016, with 463 votes (31.88% of the total vote), it became the first force.
- PSE: 175 (14.2%). In 2016, with 203 votes (13.98%), it became the fourth most voted force.
- We can: 97 (7.87%). In 2016, with 197 votes (13.57%), it became the third political force.
- PP+Cs: 39 (3.16%). In 2016, the Basque Government received 129 votes, 8.89% of the total number of votes.
In Ermua, participation has been 50.61%. The rise of EH Bildu has been very remarkable and the fall of the PNV, which has lost more than 500 votes. The PSE, which has fallen less, has been the first force (here all the results):
- PSE: 1.672 (26.64%). In 2016, the Basque Government obtained 1,741 seizures (23.38%), making it the second largest force.
- PNV: 1.562 (24.89%). In 2016 he won 2,024 votes (27.19%), making him the first political force in the country’s history.
- EH Bildu: He obtained 1,333 votes (21.24%), making him the third political force, leaving only 229 votes. In 2016, it was the fifth force, with 952 votes (12.78% of the total vote), compared with 12.78% of the votes.
- We can: He obtained 749 votes (11.93 per cent). In 2016, with 1,298 votes (17.43%), it became the third most voted force.
- PP+Cs: He obtained 632 votes (10.07%). In 2016, the Basque Government received a total of 1,214 votes, 16.30% of the total.
The participation of the Eibar on the first day of the Endesa League was 54.31%. The PNV has once again won the elections and has risen in percentage terms, but it has lost almost 500 votes and the rise of EH Bildu, which was the second force, has made the difference between the two considerably smaller than the previous elections, which now stand at 3.6%. The PSE maintains the percentage of votes in the last general elections, but has lost votes in favour. (Here are all the results).
- PNV: 3.762 (33.51%). So far this year, it has won 4,223 votes (32.66% of the votes).
- EH Bildu: 3.357 (29.9%). In 2016 he won 2,898 votes (22.41%).
- PSE: 2.432 (21.66%). In 2016 he won 2,784 votes (21.53%).
- U-IU: 802 (7.14%). In 2016, the PNV won a total of 1,686 votes (13.04% of the votes).
Hauteskundeak izan dira oraingoan Euskal Herriaren mendebalde honetan, eta horien ondoren gerta ohi denez, erabateko garaipen loriatsua (auto)aldarrikatzera abiatu da prestu irabazten lar ohituta dugun EAJ.
Luza dakioke gaur EAJri esaldi klasikoan egiten den galdera: Non dago... [+]
Iñigo Urkullu jarduneko lehendakariak eta bere alderdiak hauteskunde kanpainan esan dutenez, “ezkerrekoak eta eskuinekoak jada ez dira existitzen”. Gaur egun EAEn nagusi den politikaren alternatibarik existituko ez balitz bezala, hau da, ez balego bezala... [+]
Data: 2020ko uztailaren 12a (igandea). Ordua: 13:00. Tokia: H. herriko bozkaleku nagusiko kanpoaldean dagoen banku bat. Eguraldia: orduak iraun dituen euri jasa baten azken tantak. Jende mugimendu etengabea atarian. Talde handirik ez. Gehienak banaka, binaka, trioren bat... [+]
On this occasion there have been elections in this western part of Euskal Herria, and as often happens, the PNV, very accustomed to winning, has launched itself to proclaim a glorious (self-)absolute triumph.
Today we can ask the PNV the question in the classical phrase: Where... [+]