The LAB syndicate has denounced that the company Zaine Clece is carrying out surveillance work in the Rioja Alavesa, the Llanada and the Alavesa Mountain and has denounced the attitude taken in recent days.
Workers have to work at home and in many cases have to visit several towns on the same day. The company must therefore pay the mileage to the workers.
That is precisely the origin of the conflict. In fact, Zainak Clece wants to force employees to choose the shortest and cheapest road from the Google maps service.
Although the decision seems reasonable, the problem lies in the fact that many of these roads do not have the designation of roads as such. In other words, they are roads that do not meet the minimum safety conditions for driving by car. According to the union, this attitude entails adding a new attitude to the specific poor working conditions linked to care tasks.
It has therefore announced that it is considering measures to ensure that Clece’s decision is revoked. In addition, it has called strikes on 26 January and 4 March for the workers of the day care centre in Bizkaia.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.
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