Everybody's lives in the middle. The martial dynamics presented on Wednesday by the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country to change what has revolutionized care. The hearing was held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the plaza de la Bullería, from where the process that it intends to be in the long term has begun.
Specifically, they talk about "turning" care and "transforming" the care system, because there they see the key to "changing everything". And to that end, they report that the feminist movement has been reactivated. They will initiate a process of mobilization with the aim of "transforming the current capitalist and patriarchal care regime", whose first milestone is scheduled for March 8.
They say that the feminist movement has become aware of the discourse that has been on the table so many times in recent years and that it has emptied the discourse: "We know that now anyone is talking about the importance of care". In this regard, they have focused on those who propose superficial solutions to the issue, and have expressed their desire that there should be no false promises that silence them. They even come up with concrete proposals and measures for changes beyond the surveillance area. Objective: to transform care into social responsibility towards the business and achieve the collective right to care.
Along the way, they intend to join efforts with those who fight to improve working conditions in the care sector, as well as groups that defend the quality of public services. They also want to build partnerships with popular movements and with "all those who want to revolutionize the surveillance system to change everything."
The local feminist assemblies have called to start working in the direction of the process undertaken, making available an online toolbox.
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