According to the study presented on Thursday by Patxi Tuñón, director of the Observatory of Social Reality and Inés Francés, director of the Navarre Agency for the Autonomy and Development of People, there are more than 10,300 dependents in Navarre, almost half of whom have a person hired for care. However, Tuñón and Francés report that 25.7% of the surveillance personnel operate without contracts.
In addition, the precarious situation of workers operating under contract is evident. On average, they receive a salary of 800 euros per month for contracts of 30 hours.
In light of this, the government of Navarre has established three powers. “Promote employment in the sector, provide quality professional and qualified care, and ensure that those who are dependent can continue to live at home,” said Francés.
To achieve these goals, grants will be distributed from September onwards to families of dependents to hire accredited care workers. In addition, in order to professionalize the sector, temporary certificates and training sessions will be offered for unaccredited workers to obtain permits.
Bost urte igaro dira pandemiaren hasieratik. Pandemia horrek ekarri zuen denok zaintza eredua ezagutzea, inondik inora ere behar bezala ez zebilena. Egoitzetako kutsatzeen eta hildakoen datuak, batez ere pribatuetan, zifra hutsak baino askoz gehiago izan ziren.
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The legislature has ended and the PNV-PSE has not taken steps to change the custody model. The Lehendakari dismisses with a powerful campaign "Towards a Basque pact for care", denouncing "the political use and manipulation of care".
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