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Claims for the right to custody and against violence

  • In Ipar Euskal Herria there has been a feminist strike in the M8 and in Hego Euskal Herria there have been mass demonstrations in the afternoon in cities and towns. On the road to the general feminist strike on November 30, International Working Women’s Day has also received messages of change in the surveillance system, claiming that it must be public and community, and the message of the demonstration’s top banner has been in many villages “there is no business with care” or similar.
Gasteizko manifestazioa. Argazkia: @steilas

09 March 2024 - 09:14
Last updated: 12:42

Unions and feminist groups in the continental Basque Country have joined a feminist strike in the French State on 8 March and the strike has been carried out in three areas: paid work, care and consumption. All the unions have joined the call of the feminist movement and have gone on strike throughout the day, in the afternoon they have made a demonstration in Baiona. In the chronicle of Jenofa Berhokoirigoin, a multitude of demands have been heard: the end of the wage gap, the protection of public services and the end of privatizations, the recognition and fair distribution of care, the conditions to guarantee the right to abortion, absolute freedom for LGBTQI people, the end of systemic violence against disabled people, the end of sexist violence....


Union concentration in relation to the City of Baiona.
In Hego Euskal Herria, support for the public surveillance system predominates.

Thousands of citizens have claimed the right to custody on the street and have recalled that the only way to achieve this right for all is to mobilise it. They have also talked about the custodial pact being developed by the Basque Government and called for guarantees that custody will be for everyone: "If you do not talk about being public, if you do not talk about ending privatisation and do not talk about ending the Aliens Act, we are not going anywhere."

Video of the Ahotsak demonstration in Pamplona:

Here you can see the video of Hamaika Telebista with the mobilizations of the capitals:

Claims for multiple violence

In addition to the right to surveillance, other specific issues and problems related to violence have been reflected in each place, as reported by the chronicle of Maite Asensio in Berria. For example, that of the oppressed and heraldic in Palestine (Villabona, among others), that of women suffering machista violence (in Baiona, among others), that of trans and non-heteronormative (in San Sebastian, among others), the stigma and infantilization suffered by prostitutes (in Vitoria, among others), the feminist justice (in Pamplona).

Head of Demonstration in Bilbao. Photo: @steilas.

Police violence has been reported in Villabona, recalling that the Ertzaintza has wounded six people in recent weeks. They denounce that the action of the Ertzaintza is in line with the prevailing male model and transfer "hug from the feminist movement" to Xuharri and his family.

Police violence has also been reported in Villabona.

Songs and verses were also published:

Several readings on 8 March

Below you can read the interview by Jone Gil Landabururi, member of the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country, Leire Artola: "Our strength is above institutional hypocrisy and attempts to appropriate discourses".

Declaration of the Feminist Forum of the Basque Country: "M8 all dimensions"

Here you can read the statement that the winds of Lurre have made public and you can hear it in the voice of Miren Amuriza.

Awaiting the demonstration in Donostia. Photo: Gari Garaialde.

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