The renunciation of the great new airport that the government of Emmanuel Macron has been trying for years in the Naoned - Nantes area has been the triumph of those who have created, cultivated and supported this Zone To Defend (Zone A Defendre, ZAD) during this long time. The compensation has been that the government gave to empty and dismantle all the farms built there. In April, 2,500 gendarmes held their first session, finding a stubborn resistance in front of them.
The second comes after a short week of such a truce. In those days, the government has offered the occupants of the ZAD an abrupt solution: on the one hand, it would have allowed the historic villagers who did not accept the expropriation to make the airport the right to remain there, and all the others who have come since then would have to present their project in a very short space of days. Most of them have tried to present projects, but there are those who have considered this solution a trap and have decided to stay there. On Thursday morning, a wave of 1,700 gendarmes broke through to empty and destroy their farms.
The military has found a weaker resistance to them than in the first offensive. On the other hand, they are also using in these hours the very violent ammunition used in the previous one: the harsh grenades that, in addition to the tearful fumes, carry explosives and others. Many social movements are calling on the authorities to halt the attack and to allow the inhabitants of the ten farms they want to evict to continue their projects.
Notre-Dame-des-Landes-ko ZAD Defendatu Beharreko Eremuaren inguruan liburua argitaratu du Iñaki Etxeleku kazetariak: “ZAD, bizi dutenen ahotik”. ZADaren inguruan dabiltzan profil ezberdineko pertsonei egindako elkarrizketetatik abiatuta idatzi du liburua.
During the riots between the gendarmes and the activists, at the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, a young man lost his hand. The defendant, in its entirety, has been exploited by a grenade lawfully used by the police. I thought about how hard it can be to put and hold... [+]
In the small town in the area of Nantes, known as NDDL, for 50 years it has fought against an airport project, especially in the last decade. Starting in 2009, the defense of the environment and of local farmers was joined by the problem of climate change and, in general, the... [+]