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DDA and World Civil War

  • "The French government's offensive against the DDA of Notre Dame Des Landes is aimed at destroying the possibility of alternative livelihoods. And it is framed within a global tendency for neoliberal authorities to impose a strong power." This is what the journalist Hervé Kempf says in his analysis in the magazine Reporterre. I read "La Zad et la guerre civile mondiale".

09 April 2018 - 09:30

The French government’s offensive against the DDA of Notre Dame Des Landes is aimed at destroying the possibility of alternative livelihoods. And it is framed within a global tendency for neoliberal authorities to impose a strong power.

2,500 special gendarmes, armoured vehicles, helicopters, trucks, special livestock trucks... and hundreds more CRS arriving from Rennest as from Nantes to guard the rear... this April 9 France will be at war. In the war against whom? A war against about two hundred people who produce bread, beer and vegetables to live in the countryside, bricolating their homes, arguing, arguing, and going back and forth against two hundred people who live. The French military apparatus, in Mali, Syria and Iraq – without parliamentary debate, thus the 35 of the Constitution. In violation of the article - the intervener is now going to attack the ZAD of Notre Dame Des Landes.

It is known what logic guides this operation, which any prudent person would consider to be a serious manifestation of a madness: After having to surrender to the popular struggle to reject the Notre Dame Des Landes airport project, the government wants to show its strength by expelling the ‘illegal occupiers’. It despises the procedures prescribed by law for carrying out the spulsion, rejects without debate the proposals for the collective management of the lands guarded by those who have been present for ten years, and does not have the slightest project to use in this region, which has a very special ecology and has been taken care of by those who wish to expel Messrs. Macron, Philippe, Collomb and Hulto.

Thanks to the support of the images and opinions that will be disseminated by the media of Niel, Drahi, Bollore, Dassault, Lagardere, Bouygues and others [famous French oligarchs who also own the mainstream media], this brilliant political quartet will be able to show the citizens what the word ‘order’ means and let the social movements that are boiling in France know what can happen to them.

The mission of these 2,500 'robocop', to crush the possibility of a different way of life

But beyond that is the political influence of Macron and his lackeys. The lack of proportion of the resources that are being used shows that what is being lived in the ZAD is a threat to the neoliberal order: to lead a different way of life, to collaborate more than in competition, to organize without hierarchy among the people, to channel conflicts without police or justice, to share common goods in good harmony with what is called nature, to lead a wise life, to get out of dependence on money...

Can they do it at ZAD? I can't say for sure. But they strive hard, many events are proof of this and there is a beautiful alternative, with an open window on the suffocating wall of capitalism. What these 2,500 robocopes sent by the French banking president want to get rid of is that, the possibility of living otherwise.

But you have to look further. What happens in Notre Dame Des Landes is part of the general war that the oligarchy is waging against the peoples. The news these days has shown us how the spokesman for poor people in Brazil, Lula, has been imprisoned after a shocking trial, or how the State of Israel kills journalists like protesters in Gaza. They are nothing more than the latest explosions of the wave of authoritarianism at the global level provoked by the ruling classes

Almost all of Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala...) has been subjected to harsh regimes that impose a neoliberal prescription. In China, President Xi Jinping has just consolidated his power. In Russia, Putin is the king, strangling all opposition. In the U.S., Trump is pursuing a policy of dismantling financial and environmental regulation with almost no real contradictions. In Egypt, in the Philippines, in Poland, in India, the same combination can be found in dozens of countries, harsh command, defending the interests of the oligarchy and destroying the environment in the name of growth. More and more Europe is moving towards this new model of authoritarian oligarchy. In essence, a world civil war is taking place, waged by the ruling classes against the peoples that are stunned by globalization, and against the groups that now manage to resist the shock strategy of the capitalists.

80 tons of CO2 a year: real criminals

A number shows that this is not only a social struggle, but also a war on the future of humanity on the planet immersed in the ecology of crisis: each member of the group of the richest 1% of the planet emits an average of 80 tons of CO2 per year, that is, nine times the average of 6.2 tons of the world population. In other words, the richest are the most polluting. And given the severity of climate change and the foreseeable damage, it can be said that those who are emitting 80 tons of CO2 are real criminals.

The oligarchs want to stand up to this system that damages everyone’s interests. Because the core of the general interest in this early 21st century is the issue of ecology, because the way of life of humanity will change depending on how it behaves. That is why it is almost ironic that this latest attack by the oligarchy hits a place where, among other things, they are looking for a way of life without changing the climate.

This is why Macron, Philippe, Collomb and Hulot, who defend the interests of their members who emit 80 tons of CO2 a year, are also criminals. And that's the ZAD that needs to be defended.


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