Reporters reports that those who were defending the ZAD complex have confronted the gendarmes when they were supporting the demolition of the site’s buildings. The gendarmes respond to the zadists by throwing grenades and a 30-year-old man picks up one of these grenades, explodes and loses his hand.
Gendarmerie Lieutenant-Colonel Philippe Marestin has given Reporter some specifications. He explained that about 50 people had been confronted with violence. He says they’ve been thrown Molotov cocktails, as well as “some missiles.” In the face of this, the gendarmes have thrown gas to cry, using grenades of the GLI-F4 type. According to Marestin, it was one of those grenades that exploded in his hand.
The injured person is quickly taken to the hospital in Nantes. The fact-finding survey is ongoing, the gendarmerie spokesman said.
In the afternoon, the ZAD medical team released a statement saying they regret the incident but are not surprised. “We have already had to take care of more than 300 injured people in recent weeks, including GLI-F4 grenades,” they explain. It has been confirmed that the government’s operation against the ZAD can cause “a daily death, and all to destroy homes and housing.”
They add that, knowing the background, they do not trust much in justice, expressing distrust about the investigation of the gendarmerie to clarify the facts.
Notre-Dame-des-Landes-ko ZAD Defendatu Beharreko Eremuaren inguruan liburua argitaratu du Iñaki Etxeleku kazetariak: “ZAD, bizi dutenen ahotik”. ZADaren inguruan dabiltzan profil ezberdineko pertsonei egindako elkarrizketetatik abiatuta idatzi du liburua.
During the riots between the gendarmes and the activists, at the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, a young man lost his hand. The defendant, in its entirety, has been exploited by a grenade lawfully used by the police. I thought about how hard it can be to put and hold... [+]
In the small town in the area of Nantes, known as NDDL, for 50 years it has fought against an airport project, especially in the last decade. Starting in 2009, the defense of the environment and of local farmers was joined by the problem of climate change and, in general, the... [+]