Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They intend to expand landfills and open new ones in the CAV

  • The Basque Government has recognised that the capacity of waste dumps in the CCS will double by 2030. To deal with these problems, there are several projects on the table, to expand the current landfill and open the new ones, according to the Berria newspaper.

08 June 2021 - 15:22
Last updated: 17:26
Zaldibarko zabortegia da 2020an itxi dutenetako bat, amildu ostean.

The Zaldibar, Mutiloa and Larrabetzu landfill sites were closed in 2020, with 850,000 tonnes of waste among the three. The Basque Government has set itself the objective of increasing the proportion of recycled non-hazardous waste and reducing the volume of waste destined for landfill to 15%, although in this decade it expects that 7.5 million cubic metres of space for waste will be required and that the landfills currently existing in the CAPV reach 4 million cubic metres.

Bergara, Lemoa, Zalla, Artxanda, Vitoria...

Berria has received the projects on the table to address the deficit in waste dumps. In Gipuzkoa, for example, the Commonwealth of the Upper Must has proposed reopening the Epele landfill in Bergara.

In Bizkaia, steps have been taken to expand the Lemoa landfill; it is planned to expand the Zalla landfill; use the Artxanda area in Bilbao as a landfill; open a recovery plant and a landfill in Lezama; and expand the Jata landfill.

In Álava, the City Hall plans to expand the landfill of Gardelegui (Vitoria-Gasteiz) in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

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