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Zulueta and Enparantza appear in Zaballa to serve their prison sentence

  • On Monday, the sentence imposed by the judges in judgment number 11/13 has been commenced. Platform 47ak Herrian has called for concentrations for this Wednesday, against the reform of the law.

01 October 2019 - 11:56
Auzipetuak Madrilera bidean, epaiketara (Argazkia: ARGIA)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 16 September, all parties reached an agreement and, by order of the National Court, Arantza Zulueta and Jon Enparantza will be sentenced to five months ' imprisonment each. The other 45 defendants will have to face the disqualification penalties and fines imposed on them.

Zulueta and Enparantza have come to Zaballa prison on Monday and must remain in pre-trial detention until next February, according to Interior.

The penalty began on 30 September, coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the first arrests in progress: On 30 September 2013, the first arrests took place in the case.

Platform 47ak Herrian has shown her affection and solidarity with Zulueta and Enparantza and claimed that “it is time to start the way to respect the rights of prisoners and return home.”

On Wednesday, repulse concentrations were called in the following capitals: In Bilbao, opposite the Arriaga Theatre, in Donostia-San Sebastian at Gaskuina Square in the Old District and in Lekeitio at 19:00.

You are interested in the channel: 11-13 sumarioa
Zulueta and Enparantza will be released from prison on 11 February, ahead of schedule
The release was due to take place on 1 March, but it will take place almost three weeks before the release took place. Arantza Zulueta is currently in the Valencia prison of Picassent, while Jon Enparantza is in Estremera (Madrid).

Calls for mobilizations to denounce the imprisonment of Zulueta and Enparantza
Arantxa Zulueta and Jon Enparantza, involved in the 11/13 macro-trial, will be denounced this Wednesday at the mobilizations convened in Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián and Lekeitio.

2019-09-20 | Z. Oleaga
Ibon Meñika Orue-Etxebarria (imputed in Macrojudgment 11/13):
"The National High Court will never judge the legitimacy of the organization and struggle of Basque citizenship"
In Macrojudgment 11/13, Biscayan Ibon Meñika is one of the 47 accused, and during these months he has been one of the spokesmen for the accused. He was arrested in 2013 with other members of the Herrira association, and sat in the dock of the defendants of the Spanish National... [+]

2019-09-16 | Z. Oleaga
FOLLOW-UP | Following the agreement, the accused of 13/11 are calling for the issue of prisoners and exiles to be put at the forefront
At 10:00 this Monday, the oral case against 47 Basque citizens has begun, although it has been announced immediately that there was agreement between the parties and the trial has been suspended.

2019-09-15 | Z. Oleaga
The defendants in Macrojudgment 11/13 head to Madrid on Sunday morning
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2019-09-09 | ARGIA
The accused of 13/11 are calling for compliance with Bilbao and are grateful for their support
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The latest macro-trial must lead to the political condemnation of the Spanish State
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2019-09-06 | ARGIA
Dozens of initiatives across the Basque Country against Macrojudgment 11/13 and in favor of defendants
The calls have multiplied: the initiatives of the peoples involved have called for mobilizations during the weekend. The majority of Basque trade unions have called for concentrations in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria for Friday at noon. On 12 September, ERNAI called for... [+]

2019-09-06 |
ERNAI calls for mobilisations against macro-sumar 11/13 before the Bilbao event
The youth organization has convened concentrations for September 12 in four capitals and four educational areas of Hego Euskal Herria. They have asked Basque youth to go out into the street in solidarity with the accused and against macro-judgment.

2019-09-04 | ARGIA
Solidarity week in Vitoria-Gasteiz in favor of the defendants in the Macrojudgment 11/13
From Wednesday to Saturday, a comprehensive programme has been organised with the aim of creating a "wave of solidarity". During the weekend, mobilizations have been held in all the villages of the victims. The trial will start on September 16 at the Spanish National Court and by... [+]

2019-07-23 | Hala Bedi
Different people and agents show their support for the five Alaveses in summary 11/13
150 personalities, social partners and trade unions have shown their support for the campaign of the Basque elections and for the people involved in Álava. Among the signatories are the mayor, José Ángel Cadena, Maider Unda, the brothers Pou, Evaristo, Juanito Oiarzabal or... [+]

2019-07-12 | Z. Oleaga
Macrojudgment 11/13
Filling the jails of those who wanted to empty the jails?
The beginning of the political course in September will begin a new macro-trial at the National Hearing of the Kingdom of Spain. It is the trial that more Basque citizens will judge since the 18/98 trial in 2007. Also the one that starts with the highest demand for jail: From 8... [+]

8.000 atxikimendutik gora jaso ditu 11-13 makroepaiketako auziperatuen aldeko manifestuak

Irailaren 16an hasita, euskal presoen eskubideen defentsan aritutako 47 euskal herritar epaituko dituzte Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionalean: osasun arloko profesionalak, abokatuak eta presoen eskubideen aldeko eragileetako kideak dira auzipetuak. IrtenBidera. Giza eskubideak,... [+]

2019-07-09 | ARGIA
Increases political and social support for those involved in summary 11-13
The defendants are performing a broad interpellation dynamic. Progress has also been made in the development of bilateral relations in Catalonia and in the European Parliament. On 16 September, before the start of the trial, numerous mobilizations and initiatives will take... [+]

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