On 21 March, independence Cordobés Yvan Colonna died at the age of 61 as a result of the episode of another prisoner on 2 March. On 23 November the French Parliament defended the creation of a commission to investigate this murder. The Committee on the Laws of the National Assembly unanimously approved the request made in July by Corsican Jean-Félix Acquaviva and Paul Andre Colombani.
The investigation will last for a maximum of six months and will focus on the "shadow zones" that are at the root of the incident, focusing mainly on the prison conditions of Franck Elong Abe, the Cologne murderer.
This is a unanimous demand supported by the Assembly of Corsica, in which a large number of corsicans join the investigation. In addition to demanding "justice and truth", the Corsican MEPs consider it essential to achieve "reconciliation" between France and Corsica. Mr Acquaviva described the exercise of research as an "important exercise of democracy".
On 2 March, Cologne suffered for eight minutes the violent denials of another prisoner and attempts to save, until the guards of the prison realized, late amente.El event revealed the indignation on the island, putting the political question of Corsica first without self-determination.
Although the issue is no longer on the front line today, the atmosphere remains warm in Corsica. For example, two second homes have been exploited in recent days. The YC paintings were made in the area of activities, the first letters of Yvan Colonna. Thus, the widow of Yvan Colonna has documented an extension of her reading: "I want to make it clear to the nationalist followers that the demonstrations and initiatives aimed at "praising" Yvan's memory are not organized with the approval of me and our son, but in the end they are the excrements of the 'pseudo' organizers who are ill-intentioned to gain political or soda fame." He has sent the reading to various media.
Korsikako legebiltzarkideek ezin dute Korsikako Asanblean korsikeraz hitz egin, Bastiako Auzitegiaren 2023ko epai baten arabera. Ebazpen horri helegitea jarri zion Asanbleak, baina debekua berretsi du orain auzitegi berak. Epaiak tokiko beste hizkuntzei eragiten diela ohartarazi... [+]
Irulegiko Irratiko Sakonean emankizunaren hirugarren saioan Korsikako nazio askapen mugimendua izan dute hizpide, Marseillako presondegian Yvan Colonna FLNC Korsikako Nazio Askapen Fronteko militante eta preso politikoak bizia galdu zuenetik hilabetera.