Of the nearly 350 channels of the digital platform, over 340,000 videos and their comments, over 72 million, have been analyzed by experts from the universities of Lausanne (Switzerland), Harvard (USA) and Minas Gerais (Brazil). The analyzed content has been distributed in three communities: Intellectual Dark, which address "politically unfair" issues without accepting the ideas of the right; with new ideologies of the right alt-lite; and of the extreme right alt-right.
Following this study, it is concluded that 26% of the users of the first two groups have become users of the far-right group, driven by the recommendations of YouTube.Esta turn right has increased since 2016, with the support of Donald Trump, who was invested President of the United States in the political context of the year.
YouTube, for its part, rejected the results, claiming that the investigation did not take into account the platform’s changes in the algorithm in terms of hate and disinformation discourses.
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