"The violation of law and law cannot be considered as an aid to any action or effect of justice," says the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor of the case, and therefore requests the exclusion of the proceedings of the expert counsel of Borras Gozalo Boyé.
It has many threads, but one of them is that one of the authors of the peritage is Luis Enrique Hellin, a member of the extreme right group Fuerza Nueva, who in 1980 murdered the young bilbain Yolanda González in Madrid. Changing his name, he currently lives as Luis Enrique and works as a computer and technological engineer, and as an expert in these fields he has worked for years as a professor in the formation of Spanish security forces.
In the lawsuit with five other colleagues, Hellín was sentenced to 43 years in prison for the murder of González, seven of whom gave him permission to leave prison and left for Paraguay, then ruled. Two years later he went to Spain and in 1996 he went out of prison and started working as a new technology engineer. He has participated as an expert in several well-known issues.
Gozalo Boyé: “They are the best”
The Diario.es released on Thursday that Hellín was one of the experts, and Boyé immediately answered through a tweet that it was he who hired this company, Net Computer Forensics, "for being the best".
In the words of Boye, two years ago that the name of this person is in the proceedings, and the prosecutor’s office has not said anything so far to leave the Hellín procedure, it has done so now, when the study has been submitted and it is seen that the evidence contained therein shows that some of the informatics carried out by the security forces were carried out without judicial authorization, so they must be excluded from the proceedings. And he says that without that information that you have to leave out, you can hardly punish his defense, Laura Borras.
In the lower txoko you see how Boyé responded to the prosecution’s request. And in the next one you can see how ERC Member Gabriel Rufián heard the news in another tweet.
Inspecalia bi perituren identitatea ezagutu zuen orain arte bi urte baino gehiago, ez duzue beldur orain arte... precisely, report-ondorioak daude; ni lehen ez orain ez da izan bat izan da tacharle edo recusare #cortinadefume https://t.co/kjunGGjRnD
— Gonzalo Boye (@boye_g) November 10, 2022
1/02/1980. They kidnap New Force Fascists, torture and murder Yolanda González. 19 urte zueta was a komunista.
Emilio Hellín, bere assasinoen bat, 2006ko Udaltzaingoa izan zen, 2011an eta gaur Laura Borràs defends.
Know that. pic.twitter.com/3VGv4YJJp5
— Gabriel Rufián (@gabrielrufian) November 10, 2022
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