In 1979 they took the position of director of the Conservatory of Music Pablo Sarasate of Pamplona, Lainez and Martínez, where they founded the Yauzkari group. They toured Europe and won numerous awards and awards with provocative, surprising and committed works.
Before starting the Yauzkari company, the two Donostiarras dancers left their hometown to move to Amsterdam. His Het Nationale danced at the Ballet for five years and upon returning from there to San Sebastian, in 1970 they founded the company Annexa. In 1973 he became a professor at the Institut del Teatro de Barcelona. They performed their last works in Pamplona, with the dance company Piejuntoapie. The last creation was released in 2010 at the Gayarre Theatre in Pamplona.
Information: Eresbil: Yauzkari company documentary background
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