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"The Challenges of Forestry in the Basque Country of the 21st Century": the debate by Villabona can be seen in video

  • The Alkartasuna Foundation (Eusko Alkartasuna) gathered around a table in Amasa-Villabona five people with different and qualified opinions on the subject. The foundation has made a video of the controversial debate that has taken place between them and them.

26 February 2019 - 09:40

"Twenty-one. the challenges of 21st century forestry. Under the title "The Disease of Pine Insignis", the debate organized by the Alkartasuna Foundation took place on 20 February at the Subijana de Amasa-Villabona house and moderated the meeting by the Deputy Environmental Advisor of the Basque Government, Iñaki Ezkurra (EA). The participants were as follows:

- Oskar Azkarate and Josu Azpitarte. Representatives of the Basque Timber Industry Association, BaskEgur.

- Aitziber Sarobe Biologist, professor of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, coordinator of the Naturkon group.

- Itziar Barinaga Professor, Department of Financial Economics, UPV/EHU.

- Roke Akizu. Forestry Engineer. Former director of Montes and Natural Habitat of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

The objective of the round table was presented by the foundation as follows: "At a time when Basque forests have been touched by pine disease, we believe that this is a good time to reflect on the forestry policies of the current Basque Country. We want to open the debate and lay the foundations for a new forestry with experts in the sector, bringing together views of institutions, academies, woodworking and ecologia.Con in more detail, studying the health status, diseases and the sick, the measures to be taken to preserve and preserve our natural forests and ecosystems, as well as the bases of sustainable wood. On the other hand, to reflect on the management of forest resources, mountain care, quality wood production, the management that will mark the bioanistation of species, public subsidies, new strategies to think about climate change…"

What gave the performance of two hours can be seen in full in this video:


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