Children and young people under 18 have sung, recited... During the performance they accompanied Porrotx, who carried over his back the huge backpack that has been emptied throughout the performance. During the representation, a backpack full of injustices, suffering and violations of the rights of children and young people who have one or two of their parents in prison has been emptied.
During the show a letter with children with backpacks has been read, Maider Zabalegi has sung, and a group of young dancers has also participated in the show. A group of Oriotarras has released the choreography they created along with the song of the popular initiative Xua Gurasoak etxera.
They've also sung bertsos. In one of the verses, besides sending a kiss to Xua, they said: "We're going to go on to make no one depend on backpacks."
"We want Olatz and Patxi Xua at home."
Xua's mother, Olatz and Lasabagaster's colleagues, "Hik Hasi," have also shown her "Xua, Olatz eta Patxi MAITE MAITE ZAITEGI," while congratulating Xua, who this Sunday turns 3 and is about to separate from her parents. "Xua's mother is optimistic, like Hik Hasi's," said Usurbil Ainhoa Azpiroz. The Porrotx backpack has been filled with colorful optimism balloons. "We want Patxi and Olatz mother with Xua at home. Zorionak Xua! We love Olatz and Patxi! they have indicated.
In the end, and in tribute to the title of the performance ("Motxilak gora"), they have launched white balloons as if they were backpacks. Atano's performance has ended with a giant photo and a song from "zorionak zuri" to Xua, which you will be able to watch live.
The usurbildarras congratulate Xua and ask her to come back with her parents
Convened by the citizens' initiative Xua Gurasoak etxera, a special rally was held on 19 January in front of Eguzkitza's mural to repatriate Basque prisoners. They have congratulated usurbildarra Xua Lasagabaster Uranga, who has been three years old, and have asked her to return home with her parents in the Valencian prison of Picassent.
Congratulations to you" have congratulated Xua Lasagabaster Uranga who is living a special birthday day. This Sunday is 3 years old. His father, Olatz Lasagabaster and Patxi Uranga, whom Spanish law required to serve three quarters of his prison sentence, already in the calle.Llegar Usurbil will live with Mari Karmen Anza. From now on, Xua will have to travel 1,200 kilometres to visit her parents in the Valencian prison of Picassent. The neighbours of Usurbil have again called for Xua to return home with his parents in a rally they held this Sunday night in front of the mural to repatriate the Basque prisoners in the Eguzkitza neighbourhood. They have taken a group photo that you can see in the following images, with the already giant Ixa in the hand, with the photos of Olatz and Patxi and the cry of "Xua Gurasoak Etxera". Xabier Aranburu has sung bertsos and during these months they have sung the song that the soundtrack of the popular initiative has made.
Motxiladun haurra izango da Izadi, Maria Lizarraga eta Iñigo Gutierrez euskal presoen alaba. Igandean bete ditu hiru urte, eta legeak hala dioenez, Aranjuezeko espetxetik atera dute urtemuga egunean, amagandik banatuta. Aitarekin elkartu da, Gutierrez ostiralean aske utzi... [+]
Domekan, hilaren 23an, Iñigo Gutierrez (Algorta) eta Maria Lizarraga (Burlata) presoen alaba den Izadik hiru urte beteko ditu eta, ondorioz, gurasoengandik banatzera behartuko dute. Hori salatzeko, Izadi Gurasoekin Etxera ekimenak manifestazioa egingo du Algortan, Txiki... [+]
X Xua da. Xua Lasagabaster Uranga.
X Olatz da. Olatz Lasagabaster Anza. Amatxo.
X Patxi da. Patxi Uranga Salbide. Aitatxo.
X Mari Karmen da. Mari Karmen Anza Suberbiola. Amona Mari Karmen.
X Usurbil da. Orio da. Zarautz da. Euskal Herria.
X Picassenteko espetxea da... [+]