The Abertzale movement that emerged in the 1960s has come a short time from a dirty Tie, rejected by its opponents and treated harshly, to becoming the main agent of politics. First in small towns, in the world of housing, and more and more in cities. The Ziburutars, the Urruñars and the seamen undoubtedly have the result of their mandate, their opposition and their work of xinaurri by land. Welcoming the victory with great joy, the work will be put in place to make the message of the alternative launched in the campaign a reality, that is, they will have to continue the Xinaurri work. Among them, as could not be otherwise, they have the obligation to change direction of municipal policy, putting the issue of the second homes in Urruña and Ziburu and the disappearance of the agricultural land that the urbanism in Itsasu brings. Grouped into another list, they have managed to reach an absolute majority in the localities of Hendaia and Senpere. Despite their opposition, the results have been better at Maule, Biarritz and Azkaine.
Another important element of the votes on 28 June was that of Baiona, a clear victory for Jean-Rene Etxegarai as mayor of the Labortana town. Secondly, the leftist Henri Etxeto, who achieved 46.19% of the votes, remained. The anti-Vascophony and Jacobin attitude that it has led, to a large extent, to the fact that BBE Baiona Berdea and Elkarkidea did not meet him in the second round and that they voted for a few leftist abertzals. In recent times, more than “Basque lists”, “open lists with Basque militants” have been created, and the result of this collaboration is the expansion of the list of Basque mayors. But Baiona has made it clear that, even if they are all left-wing, collaboration and respect are needed for the two parties to make alliances possible. In the first round, the UN held 13.12% of the votes and decided not to stand alone for the second round, as there will be no leftist or Basque office in the working capital. It should be noted that the capital of Zuberoa has returned to the left. With 38.24% of the votes, Mixel Etxebeste loses the seat of the mayor and the communist Jacobino Louis Labadot is made with 40.34% – the left abertzale Beñat Elkegarai has achieved 21.41% of the votes, improving the result of 2014, moving to two seats in the local council and thus adding more forces to continue working in Chinese. A final element to analyze the results: With the exception of Maule, the abstention was also very high in this year’s presidential elections.
Illuminated by the composition of the houses of the town, now comes the one of the Historic Basque Town. The lehendakari election will be held on July 17 at the Euskalduna Palace.
Hauteskunde egunean, oposizioak ohartarazi bi akats nagusi onartu ditu epaileak.
Aktualitatea ez zait batere interesatzen –zutabe hauetarako, bistan da; bestela aktualitatearen kontsumitzaile ohikoa naiz, are garaiaren arabera tiraniaren menpekoa–; baina batzuetan iruditzen zait azkar asko ahaztuko dugun txikikeriaren batek erakuts dezakeela... [+]
Bigarren itzuli honetan ere urtetako lanaren emaitza lortu dute abertzale ezkertiarrek: Ziburun, Urruñan eta Itsasun auzapez izango dira. Bozketen lehen itzulian Biriatun eta Donapaleun irabazirik, Uztaritzen eta Baigorrin 2014ko garaipen historikoa berriz ere... [+]