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Saturday will celebrate the 40 years of the Xibero Botza, adding many artists in Muskildi

  • With Joseba Tapia, Maddi Oihenart, Mixel and Maika Etxekopar, Xiberotarrak, Altzükütarrak, DJ Üzkülüz and the participants in the Singing Championship, they have prepared a comprehensive programme for 5 November.
40 urte ospatzen ditu aurten Zuberoako irratiak.

03 November 2022 - 12:40

ARGIA awarded at the beginning of the year the Award of Merit to the three free radios of the Basque Country Norte.Celebrados the 40 years by Irulegiko Irratia and Confidence Irratia, this weekend is the Xibero Botza season. The concert will begin at 18:00 and at 22:00 José Tapia will take the witness surrounded by his musicians.

"We're an almost completely Basque radio. We have very strong jersey programming. The demand for xiberotarra diversity is that the content spoken of Xiberoa in the xyberos is tangible. Most of our news is mentioned by us, because we are the only ones we have installed in Xiberoa," explains radio journalist Beñat Lara

For 40 years they have come a good way and today, in addition to radio, they are informing citizens through websites and social networks, thanks to five employees and 30 collaborators. Leoni Aguergaray and Allande Etxart, who have been part of the adventure since its inception, talk about the creation and trajectory of radio in the Lau Haizetara program of Botza de Xibero.

We leave you with the video on the occasion of the ARGIA Awards of 2022, referring to the birth and trajectory of the media Botza de Xibero, Radio de Irulegi and Inca Irratia:

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