The government has recognised Joxe Benito Mujika and Mikel Martínez de Murgia as "official victims of arbitrary execution", and has declared that the Spanish police had violated their right to life. The Berria media has explained that the conduct of this investigation has gathered testimonies from witnesses who were on the same day of the crime and talked to one of the doctors who carried out the examination of corpses: "He kept all the information, and he remembered the case very well," the newspaper in Euskera told the Egia Zor Foundation.
Both were killed in a house on Dendari Street in Lekeitio. The medical report indicated that Mujika had received only one shot in the throat, and witnesses have revealed that the shot had been thrown by a sniper from the building in front of the house, when Mujika opened the door to the balcony.
In the case of Martínez de Murgia, the Government’s study has determined that he received twenty shots in the lumbar area, all behind. This belies the official version, because if there was a shooting, it wouldn't get them from behind.
The journalist Jone Arruabarrena, in the newspaper Berria, has detailed the development of this investigation: after many years of silence, on 2 October 2016 the City Hall of Lekeitio requested the Gogoratuz institute to open a study to make the truth known. Two years later, the relatives of the deceased and the Egia Zor Foundation resorted to the Government through Law 107/12, which entered into force in 2016 and asked him to investigate what happened. This law aims to give "recognition and reparation to victims of human rights violations in the context of politically motivated violence" between 1960 and 1978.
The Egia Zor Foundation and the 50-year platform Xenki and Murgi have organised an event in which they will pay tribute to two deaths. On 2 September at 7:00 pm, a political event will be held in Lekeitio under the motto "It is time to know the truth", in front of the house where both members were murdered. The City Hall of Lekeitio will hold an institutional reception to the relatives before the act.
This Friday, 2 September, under the slogan “It’s time to know the truth”, we will celebrate a political act on Dendari Street in Lekeitio.
On September 2, 1972, Zarauztarra Joxe Benito Mujika and Mikel Martinez de Murgia were murdered by the Franco Civil Guard.
— Fundación Egia Zor (@CaixabankZor) August 29, 2022
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