Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The prisoner's partner Xabier Goienetxea is in a car accident after the visit

  • The accident took place on Saturday afternoon, after touching the eavesdrop when it hit the road, but it is good. In Lannemenburg prison, Goienetxea, in the French State, 220 kilometres from the town of Errenteria.
Autoak kalteak jasan zituen. Argazkia: Etxerat

21 November 2022 - 13:32
Last updated: 15:25

Etxerat reports the accident: “A large hedge crossed abruptly in front of the car and, as a result of the collision, the anterior veneer was damaged and affected the motor. Fortunately, the prisoner’s relative did not suffer physical damage and followed the road in a taxi.”

26 prisoners outside the Basque Country

The association of family and friends of prisoners, refugees and Basque political deportees has denounced that 26 prisoners are still in prisons outside the Basque Country, twelve in France and fourteen in Spain. In the French state, one prisoner is in Paris and the other eleven in Lannemezán. “There are no prisons to serve the sentence in Iparralde and the Basque prisoners accepted compliance with Lannemezán,” Etxerat explains in his note.

The association denounces that each trip is a “danger”, recalls that Saturday is the second car accident of the year and that last year another four occurred. “There have been about 400 casualties since the policy of remoteness. The relatives and friends affected have been about 1,000 and, unfortunately, sixteen family members and friends have stayed on the road.” Etxerat has once again called for “no obstacles” to the Basque repatriation of all prisoners, refugees and deportees.

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