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Organized the 10th Euskera Marathon in Lasarte-Oria to warm up the Euskararen Aldia

  • Following the 40-day challenge in Basque that began in 2016, the Basque Marathon will join Euskaraldia this year. You know the way. Feel, get ready and act!
Aurtengo Maratoialdiaren leloa Sentitu, Prestatu eta Ekin! izango da / Argazkia: Txintxarri

10 October 2022 - 13:22
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Six years later, the Basque Marathon of Lasarte-Oria returns. For this tenth edition, the organizers have ensured a broad programming with the help of many social agents of the locality. This year, however, they have another objective: To arrive “prepared and motivated” to the Basque Phase.

The City Hall of Lasarte-Oria, the Ttakun association and the Zortziko group organize and dynamize the tenth Marathon of the Basque Country. In addition, coinciding with the Basque edition, its name has been renewed and this year will be the Marathon.

The Basque Marathon has been organized since 1986 in Lasarte-Oria. At first it was working in Euskera for 40 hours in a row on the table. Year after year, the initiative has been renewed, making the biggest leap in 2016. In addition to 40 uninterrupted hours, the challenge of working in Euskera for 40 days was raised and the roles ahobizi eta belarriprest were created, which later Euskaraldia extended to the entire Basque Country.

The pandemic prevented the planned marathon from being held by 2020. But waiting has been worth it. Feel the motto, Prepare and Act! It is divided into three stages. The Feel welcome phase on October 22nd and 23rd will be the “motivational blow” for citizens to do more in Basque. The training period will take place between 24 October and 17 November, in particular, the citizenship will be offered training prior to the beginning of the Basque Country Aldia. The final step will be to undertake: “once motivated and self-prepared”, to begin to change the linguistic habits in those 15 days of Euskaraldia. The duration of this phase shall be 18 November to 2 December.

The organization has produced posters for each phase to be distributed with Txintxarri magazine before the corresponding deadline. The posters of the Feel phase are already visible.

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