Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara,
jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
The article has been published in the British newspaper opinion section and signed by Mikel Agirre Maskariano, a geographer and a member of the Bizilagunak platform, an association that offers an alternative vision of tourism, according to The Guardian.
After giving some details about the Rifkin’s Festival that Allen has filmed in San Sebastian, the author of the article has been concerned about the impact such a production can have on the city. “The film (…) is not just the glamour touch of Hollywood, it’s the perfect resource to further deepen the global tourism map,” he explains.
“I am concerned that this film shows an image of San Sebastian through a series of clichés that a global audience can easily know, but that is separate from the local reality,” says Agirre.
Agirre has also called for greater transparency in public funding for this type of productions, the same day that it has been known that the City of San Sebastian will contribute EUR 60,000 to the film.
He mentioned the position of tourism in the city’s economy and how “tourism monoculture” continues to be promoted to create jobs and wealth. “As philosopher Marina Garcés says, tourism is an extractivist industry that turns common resources into products – neighborhoods, plazas and streets – as assets of private exploitation. Meanwhile, it often despises the people who give it meaning by living in those same spaces.”
“The more we work to boost tourism numbers, the more the authenticity of space threatens excessive tourism and thus reduces the experience of tourists.” The article also warns of the risk that San Sebastian will be the victim of its success, as has happened to Venice or Barcelona.
The article concludes with the achievements of the civic mobilizations, such as the proposal for the establishment of tourist fees on the table, and stressing the need for a more sustainable tourism model.