An Atxuri professor and entrepreneur has renounced the agreement for reasons of conscience. Vox calls for five years in jail for the neighbor, while the Prosecutor's Office calls for seven months in jail for electoral crime and three months in penalty for minor threat
On Monday, the trial began against the nine members of Vox who boycotted the Vox rally in the bilbaíno district of Atxuri. During the 2019 general election campaign, several residents protested against the Vox rally in Atxuri, and the Ertzaintza arrested three people and identified six others.
The trial was held between 18 and 20 November and eight of the nine defendants have reached an agreement with the Prosecutor ' s Office and the prosecution, so they have withdrawn the most serious charges, including those of hatred and resistance. The Public Prosecutor’s Office has also lowered its convictions and now the Prosecutor’s Office is asking them to be punished with financial fines and penalties of between 7 and 16 months in prison.
Only one of them, for reasons of conscience, has rejected the agreement; a professor and activist from the Atxuri neighbourhood. In his words, admitting the complaint of Vox and the Prosecutor's Office would mean "dying" personally and professionally.
Vox seeks four years in prison for a hate crime and one year in prison for an electoral crime. The Prosecutor’s Office, for its part, asks for seven months in jail for an electoral crime and three months in fine for a minor threat. “I work with vulnerable groups and migrants; I cannot accept that what I did was a crime,” he explains Now, once all the evidence is complete, you will have to face a trial in which you will be the last plea of your lawyer, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution.
LGTBIQ+ banderaren itzalpean eta mezu eta doinu antifaxistez inguratuta jarri du karpa Voxek.
A week after the municipal elections, we seem to be willing to analyse the results that have left these new elections, which will mark the institutional policy of the municipalities over the next four years. The most worrying aspect of all possible studies is undoubtedly the... [+]