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The Parliament of Navarra wants to create a protocol to stop the xenophobic speech of Vox

  • President Unai Hualde warns of the danger of “utterly racist discourses” on the far right. It believes that the organization should avoid conduct that violates human rights.

16 November 2023 - 07:43

Unai Hualde, President of the Parliament of Navarra, has written for consideration at the Bureau and Spokesman's Assembly on Monday. In this connection, he called on the Government of Navarre to provide “immediate advice and support” for the elaboration of a protocol “to prevent racist and xenophobic discourses”.

Vox is coming to the Foral Parliament for the first time in this tenth term. It has two in fifty parliamentarians. According to Hualde, along with the far right, “utterly neglected and utterly racist and xenophobic speeches” have been incorporated into parliament.

In the plenary last Thursday, Vox Parliamentarian Emilio Jimenez told migrant people that “they have the doors open and everything free” while Navarros citizens “are on the verge of poverty”; immigration causes insecurity; the lack of control of migrants causes many jihadists.

The Hualde initiative is pioneering and has the support of the parliamentary majority supporting the government. According to Hualde, “the Parliament of Navarra represents the will of the citizens of our Community and should therefore be a model of coexistence and respect for human rights”.

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