Members of Vox have demonstrated in several cities, towns and neighborhoods of Euskal Herria, and many have called to "fight fascism" as a provocation. Incidents have been reported on several occasions, the last in the Donostia district of Loiola, when the Ertzaintza was launched against the population on Saturday and arrested two people.
Despite this journey, the president of the Bergara Area Electoral Board has authorised the ultra-right training to hold an event on the fronton of the Plaza de los Fueros de Oñati on Wednesday from 18:30 to 20:30, although the request was made outside the deadline set by the Basque Parliament Elections Act.
The spokeswoman for the Vox group at the Congress of Spain, Macarena Olona, has linked the event with the celebration of the Fan Hemendik (Of Humor) in Oñati, where it is said that "every year civil guards are screwed" and will be "faced with cowards".
In addition, he has indicated that in 2017 armed agents "were about to launch a hate crime complaint" against them, but at the last moment it was paralysed by "political authorities", as Olona has always pointed out. He has also posted a photo on Twitter, at the Oñati headquarters, next to the Spanish flag and with the Civil Guard’s t-shirt.
Every year, @guardiacivil and her families are organized in Oñati. This Wednesday, at 7 p.m., we will be @there Ortega Smith and I. Hori aurre gara. #AldeFrom here🤡
— Macarena Olona (@Macsand_Olona) July 5, 2020
Anti-fascist concentration
Sare Antifaxista has called a rally in Oñati Square to respond to the act of Vox at 18:45 hours. As he explained, "a protest is not a threat, but a part of democracy" and wanted to make it clear that "it is not a threat". "Protesting against fascism is not a crime," said the Minister of Justice. Citizens are being asked to carry ikurdistan, banderoles and all kinds of instruments for making noise, among others.
Martxoak 8a heltzear da beste urtebetez, eta nahiz eta zenbaitek erabiltzen duten urtean behin beren irudia morez margotzeko soilik, feministek kaleak aldarriz betetzeko baliatzen dute egun seinalatu hau. 2020an, duela bost urte, milaka emakumek elkarrekin oihukatu zuten euren... [+]
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.