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The ikastola de Villabona will repay part of the public funding for not matching the number of students notified with the real ones

  • Ikastola Zubimusu de Villabona-Amasa will return to the Basque Government about 140,000 euros to receive public funding for having communicated to the Basque Government the number of students of the 2021-22 course who had finally been enrolled. Ikastola explains that this was a mistake and that the actual number of students was delayed.

12 October 2022 - 10:20

The error affects the 3rd and 4th Children's Education concerts. Taking into account the number of students according to data from the Department of Education at these levels in the year 2021-22, the center corresponded to a certain amount, but they were less students.

They have reached an agreement with the ikastola Zubimusu and before the end of 2022 the ikastola will return some 140,000 euros. Education emphasizes that it has not detected any other irregularity in the center and that it is a specific and isolated case.

"Error without bad faith"

The Confederation of Ikastolas, on behalf of Zubimusu, explains that it was a mistake without bad intentions, which sent the Government the latest data of the students actually enrolled. He indicated that he had planned all the students enrolled in the course of 2 years at the level of 3 years, but then some had gone to another center and did not tell the difference between what was planned and the last in September, but after the beginning of the course in January. As for the actual amount, Ikastolen Elkartea adds that the Department of Education sent the inspection, and then came the agreement.

You are interested in the channel: Ikastolak
2024-09-06 | Euskal Irratiak
SEASKA will exceed the range of 4,300 students this course

The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]

The candidate for ikastola Pascal Jocou will be the candidate of Beskoitz
Pascal Jocou obtained 55% of the votes in the second round of the elections to Beskoitz. Contraria Fabienne Etchegaray won 44% of the votes. It will have a majority of eighteen members and five oppositions.

About a hundred teachers will help students make their oral in Euskera
The teaching staff will carry out an action to support the oral expression of the lower in Euskera. In the dress there will be a few plates with a stick and an orejeta, to indicate to the students that they “have all the protection” in the exam of speaking in Basque.

The candidate for Ikastola was imposed on the first round of the elections to Beskoitz
Pascal Jocou and Fabienne Etchegaray are present in the second round of the elections to Beskoitz. Oak Camblong has not yet determined whether it will be put to the vote on 23 June. Fabienne Ayense, former Mayor of Beskoitz, resigned as a result of the discrepancies in the... [+]

2024-05-13 | ARGIA
The money raised in Herri Urrats will be used for the construction of the ikastola of Beskoitz
On 12 May Herri Urrats was held in the vicinity of Lake Senpere, as usual. In the 41st edition, the president of the Ikastolas Federation, Nekane Artola, asked three things: the resources, the boldest language policies and the Basque Government.

TxikiLinux Txokoa in Herri Urrats to publicize the free operating system and euskaldun
This Sunday, 12 May, will be held, as every year, the Herri Urrats festival of the ikastolas of Iparralde in the area of Lake Senpere. This year the TxikiLinux Txoko will be in Xiberoa. From 9:00 to 17:00 children's workshops have been prepared to publicize the free and Euskaldun... [+]

Day of mobilization for exams to pass in Basque
The students of the Liceo Bernat Etxepare of Seaska have called for a mobilization for May 17. In order to represent a common network, they have requested that the mention of initiatives with the hashtag #EuskarazIkasi Matxinada and #EuskarazBiziMatxinada be extended on the... [+]

2024-04-18 | Euskal Irratiak
Tulalaika besta, Xiberoako ikastolei bultzada emateko

Hirugarren urtez Xiberoako ikastolei bultzada emanen die Tulalaika bestak.

Don Jokin Pantxesk Etxebarria. Boy of war, father
"You said three times that I'm red, communist!"
As soon as you enter the town centre of Irisarri, there, at the door of a house, the ikurrina and the star. You have your residence Jokin Etxebarria. A war kid, lots of walks, and more than eleven tours, from there and here. Because 92 years allow everything you want to live.

2024-03-19 | Leire Artola Arin
The Ikastola de Beskoitz extends its use authorization until 2025
The majority of the town council has shown itself in favour of renting the land to ikastola another year, and then the jury has resigned. The village house remains to present a new covenant to the parents of the ikastola and to Seaska.

2024-03-16 | Leire Artola Arin
Oihana Larrandaburu, ikastola de Xibero:
“Associations and peoples that we would not have thought of have taken miles in Xiberoa”
She ran for Zuberoa on Friday morning and, although she spent little time, she has served to show that accession to the Basque country is increasing and that young people come with strength. “Doing Basque activities outside the ikastola is complicated, but Korrika charges us... [+]

Eight ikastolas have been recognized for their work to promote Basque culture in neighbouring areas
The Ikastolas Confederation has held the event in Beskoitz, where the future of the Ikastola is at stake.

Sustainable number day at Estitxu Robles College in Baiona
On 6 March it was held at the Estitxu Robles College in Baiona on the day of the number or permanent digital. They have learned to refurbish the old computers and received the news from the student cooperative Ilargikoop.

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