The error affects the 3rd and 4th Children's Education concerts. Taking into account the number of students according to data from the Department of Education at these levels in the year 2021-22, the center corresponded to a certain amount, but they were less students.
They have reached an agreement with the ikastola Zubimusu and before the end of 2022 the ikastola will return some 140,000 euros. Education emphasizes that it has not detected any other irregularity in the center and that it is a specific and isolated case.
"Error without bad faith"
The Confederation of Ikastolas, on behalf of Zubimusu, explains that it was a mistake without bad intentions, which sent the Government the latest data of the students actually enrolled. He indicated that he had planned all the students enrolled in the course of 2 years at the level of 3 years, but then some had gone to another center and did not tell the difference between what was planned and the last in September, but after the beginning of the course in January. As for the actual amount, Ikastolen Elkartea adds that the Department of Education sent the inspection, and then came the agreement.
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