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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban carries out a specific plan

  • The 'surprise blitz' carried out by the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, in a week after the Turkish presidency of the European Union, requires a serious explanation. Of material size.

09 July 2024 - 10:21
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

5. First with Zelensky, in the fifth game of Group V. After interviewing Putin and Xi Jinping for the third time, and “the next stop: Talking about “Washington” is not in anyone’s hands.

And the least is that in the midst of the attack of jealousy, stabilishmint (Von der Leyen – Borrell-Kallas) of the European Union, Orban does not represent the College. You will know it as clearly as anyone else. And it doesn't matter. So ...

If we could learn more about the plan that is being implemented, perhaps we could understand it more easily. Let us take as a starting point what is obvious and not doubtful: The immediate goal is to achieve a ceasefire in Ukraine, which has already been lifted.

We must not be wise to realize that the first and fundamental condition for launching any peace process is to achieve a total and reliable ceasefire among those at war. Temporarily silencing the arms so that they can sit at the negotiating table.

It is not an easy task, however, to shut down arms in any war, let alone in a widespread conflict such as that of Ukraine. In addition to the will of the fighting parties, it is necessary to provide resources for pacification. The background shows that the neutral forces, the interposition forces, are the most elemental forces that interpose and keep the combatants in a resting and distancing position. And not the most comfortable.

But for those forces of interposition, it is not worth everyone, because it is necessary for those who struggle to trust them. In a conflict such as that in Ukraine, it is easy to understand what this causes: Russia, for example, would not accept the interposition forces of NATO members. Each side wants and will need its peace guards.

In that diabolical chess game you can guess an unusual role for China. Traditionally, China has been pessimistic in sending its armed forces to foreign conflicts that are not only in the process of peace, but are fully stabilized. But it is also true that in recent years, particularly in Africa, more naughty implications are being assumed.

In the case of Ukraine, it may not be the blind spot as far as China’s position is concerned and that was discussed at Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Hungary. Of course, whenever Russia agrees that Chinese armies should be installed on the front. And there seems to be no disadvantage in the light of the agent between Moscow and Beijing.

The knot would be “on the other side”. In particular, in that Washington, which must be Orban's fourth stop. At the summit on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO, I am sure that the subject will be on the table. But in the same phrase “NATO”, “Ukraine” and “peace”...

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