Of the 199 seats in Parliament, 135 will be for the members of Fidesz, while those of the opposition will be 56. The government will therefore maintain an absolute majority in the Congress of Deputies. “The victory may not be seen from the moon, but certainly from Brussels,” ironized Viktor Orban, referring to the European Commission, which sanctioned Hungary by the homophobic law passed by the government last year. On the pretext of combating paedophilia, the law includes, among other things, a ban on talking about homosexuality or sex change in the media and educational establishments.
Several experts have explained that the war in Ukraine has reinforced the figure of Orban, which has proved to be a guarantee of stability in times of turmoil. In this respect, the Hungarian Prime Minister has supported the EU’s sanctions against Russia, although he has demonstrated against handing over arms to Ukraine.
Hungariako egunkari handiena, Népszabadság (Herriaren Askatasuna hungarieraz), itxi du Mediaworks editorialak bat-batean eta aurretik abisurik eman gabe. Erabakiaren aurkako mugimenduak berehalakoak izan dira.
Europar Batasuneko Barne Ministroak Bruselan bilduko dira asteartean. Agintarienhelburua 120.000 errefuxiatuen birkokapena izango da, baina Europa ekialdeko herrialdeek ez dute EBko proposamena onartzen.
Europako Batzordeko presidente Jean-Claude Junckerrek esan du Europar Batasuneko herrialdeek 160.000 errefuxiatu hartu beharko dituztela, Europar Batasunaren populazioaren %0,11. Grezia, Italia eta Hungarian ordea, 470.000 paper gabeko iheslari daude.