"Javi Escudero and Asun Zuloaga, surrounded by books, created an oasis in the heart of the Casco Viejo de Bilbao", according to the organizers of Loraldia. The Verdes bookstore became an inescapable meeting point for the Basque bodybuilders: from there the forbidden textbooks were separated from the first ikastolas, Bernardo Atxaga and Gabriel Aresti also had their first contacts in this bookstore and the writer of Asteasu visited several times with Joseba Sarrionandia, Ruper Ordoristi, Jon Juitariilla.
In the tribute to Loraldia, a number of friends from the Green bookstore will be quoted. The organizers of Loraldia have said that "we Euskaltzales are indebted to Euskaltzaindia and we must thank them for everything they have given us".
The act has been organized under the premise of an idea by Bernardo Atxaga. "It will be a simple and emotional act," the organizers said. "Writers, musicians and men and women of culture will participate, sometimes through songs and others through reading texts." Bernardo Atxaga, Natxo De Felipe, Ruper Ordorika, Juan Carlos Perez, Miren Agur Meabe, Joseba Sarrionandia and Patxo Telleria are among the participants.
Bilbao will flourish and echo the Basque in seven or seventeen strident streets, and it will extend to the ensanches and extend through neighborhoods to Otxarkoaga and beyond. Spring will reach our language after the winter of the centuries. It will happen this spring. The... [+]
Loraldia Festibala amaitu eta "erabateko arrakasta"-tzat jo dute antolatzaileek. Bost astetan Bilbo "euskarazko sormenaren erdigune" bihurtu dela azpimarratu dute, bai eta ikuslegoaren harrera ona ere. Ikuskizun gehienetan eserleku-kopuruaren %80 baino... [+]
René Le Henaff zuzendariak hiru dimentsioen teknikarekin esperimentatzeko Euskal Herrian grabatu zuen filma aurkitu du Josu Martinez zinegile eta ikerlari bilbotarrak. Euskadi filmaren lau emanaldi egingo dituzte martxoan, Bilbon, Iruñean, Donostian eta Baionan.
Euskal kulturaren udaberriko hitzordua hastear da Bilbon. 30 emanaldi eta 150 sortzaile baino gehiago bilduko ditu 32 egunetan. “Berritzailea eta bizigarria” egiteko asmoa dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal kultura ikustaraztea da festibalaren helburua. Apirilaren 9tik 24ra hamaika ekitaldi izango da Bilboko hainbat txokotan.