As stated in the statement of provisional indictment by the Prosecutor’s Office, which was verified by the news agency Efe, the members of this group have made “constant pressure for prostitution”. The trial of these facts will be held at the First Section of the Court of Gipuzkoa. It will begin in mid-September with the participation of several protected witnesses. The trial will continue until the end of the month and a meeting is scheduled to take place in October.
Depending on the degree of involvement, the Office of the Prosecutor requires prison sentences of 4 to 158 years for the defendants, including a pilot of two regular airlines and the head of a rural accommodation in Burgos. According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, the events occurred between 2017 and 2019, and in that period the defendants allegedly illegally brought Venezuelan women to be sexually exploited and used for drug trafficking.
Some of the defendants were concerned to get in touch with the victims in Venezuela, and offered them the opportunity to “properly” put aside their “economic difficulties” and obtain here a “better future” as “caretakers, cleaners and cozy”. When they arrived in San Sebastian, the women were attended by several members of the group who took them to different floors. In the end they realized that “there were no jobs” and that in some cases they would have to practice prostitution. Those who knew this possibility knew that the conditions for its realization “were far from those committed”.
According to the text of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the sexual services provided on these floors “were provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with no possibility of rest, provided that a client wanted to consume”.
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