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Women also participate for the first time in the helmets of Uztaritze

  • On 4 February they have been in Baiona and this weekend they will be in Uztaritz.

07 February 2023 - 10:19
Emakumeak lehen aldiz kaskarotetan, Baionan (Argazkia: Eric Lassalle)

Women and men participated in the Uztaritz group last Saturday in Baiona The next weekend will be in Ustaritz. 11 and 12 February in the districts of Arruntza and Heraitze, and 19 February in Ustaritz.

The members of the dance group Izartxo de Uztaritz dance in the booths. So far the group of dances was made up of men and women, but only men danced in the carnival. The members of the group, both boys and girls, expressed their intention to leave together in carnival. Thus, they have developed a project to introduce changes.

With the participation of the girls the number of dancers has doubled, so two simultaneous tours will be carried out, distributed over neighborhoods. This will lead to neighborhoods that have not yet arrived, such as Zokorrondo (Uztaritze). In addition, the group has split into two, so they need more musicians, and some of those who have participated in the first dance group this year as musicians. Finally, they create their own clothes for girls.


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