According to URL0, Uztaritze will be the first place to pay through the Basque Country part of the salary of the municipal elects. The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and all the delegates of the City Hall have joined the Euskal Moneta association and all will be able to take part in the prize through this currency.
“In Ipar Euskal Herria we have the strongest local currency in all of Europe. The houses of the people can be involved together with the citizens and with the business and associative world in favor of local employment, the environment and the Basque country. We believe it is important to participate in the development of this project,” said the mayor of Uztaritze, Bruno Carrere. In March he decided to use the Basque people in the House of the People of Uztaritze.En this sense, they have underlined that the use of the Basque Country contributes to the local economy. They have also confirmed their intention to continue cooperation within the partnership.
The House of the People of Uztaritze and the Eusko Moneta Association have stressed that this decision represents a further step along the road. In Uztaritze the Basque was already used, in 2017 the pool of Landagoien was the first public service to admit the euskos.Dante Edme-Sanjurjo, director of Eusko Moneta, has positively valued the step: “The houses of the people use the local currency to take concrete steps and the will of Uztaritze gives rise to a positive dynamic. We trust that more and more houses of the people will encourage the payment in Basque of part of their expenses, proposing to elected officials, workers, suppliers or associations that support them the approval of the Basque Country.”
The Basque Country is the first local currency in Europe. There are currently 2.5 million people in circulation in the Basque Country. There are over 4,000 private users. Eusko Moneta consists of 1,100 professionals, 27 of whom are members of the Basque Government and many other local institutions.
Larunbat honetan iraganen da Miarritzeko Surfrider fundazioan Eusko ekimenak antolatzen duen Elkarteen eguna. Lekuko moneta bat plantan ezartzearen parte bat elkarteei bideratzen die sistemak eta aurten ere, diruaren birbanaketa solidario horri esker, elkarte batzuk sarituak... [+]
Euskal Elkargoko Turismo Bulegoak eta Euskal Moneta elkarteak “Bakantzak euskoz” egitasmoa jarri dute martxan, helburu batekin: oporrak eusko moneta erabiliz igaro ahal izatea.
Euskoa Europako lehen tokiko moneta da, milioi bat baino gehiago eusko zirkulazioan direlarik, 2013an abiatu zenetik izandako dinamikari esker. Orain hozka batez gora egitea da xedea, Euskoz ordaintzearen ekintza norma bilakaraziz, zeren, euskoz hobe!
Eusko Eguna ospatu zen iragan igandean Lapurdiko hiriburuan. Antolatzaileen erranetan, eguna euritsua izan arren, mila lagun baino gehiago hurbildu ziren Baionako Elkarteen etxera.
Kripto-txanponak asko ugaritu dira azken urteetan, baina fama txarra hartu dute espekulazioarengatik, burbuila ekonomikoak sortzeagatik eta prezioen gorabehera handiengatik, besteak beste. Baina kripto-moneta guztiak al daude kondenatuta betiko diruarekin jada ezagunak ziren... [+]