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The UK wants to start deporting migrants to Rwanda in July

  • Prime Minister Rishi Suna has announced that he has "resources" for deportation willing to expel "illegal migrants". The matter is suspended by a decision of the Supreme Court, but Parliament has just passed a Sunak law to override it.

23 April 2024 - 13:00
Last updated: 2024-04-24 10:53

"Whatever happens, we'll get the plan going," said UK Prime Minister Rishi Suna. Sunak has set a 10-12 week deadline, so it would start in July.

The United Kingdom paid £240 million last December to the Rwandan Government, with a projected total of £370 million by 2028, in order to deport "illegal migrants". The UK Supreme Court rejected, inter alia, the deportation project, noting that migrants also have human rights and that it would be possible to violate rights in Rwanda.

Now, Sunak has pulled out of the joke the new regulation of Rwanda as a "safe country," called Rwanda Safety Bill, and believes that, once approved, the Supreme Court cannot say otherwise. The Guardian notes, however, that the United Nations Organization and the Council of Europe can have the capacity to stop these brutal deportations. So far they have not gone anywhere, beyond words.

On Monday night the British Parliament passed the new Sunak law. It has been several weeks without going back.

"The British are sick, national security must be prioritized"

The Prime Minister is prepared to hear the European Court of Human Rights and to impose a ban. Because it's a "foreign court," he says, "We British are sick, national security must be prioritized."

Suna announces her readiness to implement the deportation plan. They've already prepared 500 officials to "help" the migrants who are going to board these planes, they've prepared an airport to do that, and they've searched for free slots between commercial flights. "The first flight will start in 10-12 weeks, whatever happens."

Rishi Sunak, rich grandson of migrants

Sunak is 43 years old and is the first person not a white man in this position. Grandson of migrants from the Punjab region in India, emigrated from East Africa to England in the 1960s. He studied at the elitist private college in Winchester and graduated in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford.

He became prime minister in the fall of 2022, when Suna and his wife Akshata Murty had a fortune of about 825 million euros, according to The Guardian. According to the Sunday Times list, the 222 richest family in the UK.

More information about him in the news of Axier López.

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