As reported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), selectivity tests will begin in early July. The regular call for the University Access Assessment (UAE) exam will be on 6, 7 and 8 July. The extraordinary test will be held on 20, 21 and 22. The faculties of the UPV/EHU, several secondary wetlands and the BEC of Barakaldo will be the spaces enabled for the examination.
According to the UPV/EHU, in recent months work has been done on the "reorganization of the examination". “Mobility and interpersonal distance” has been the central theme of prevention and security measures. For this reason, the university will extend to the centers the protocol to carry out the test. For example, respect the use of the mask and the safety distances. They have also warned that everyone approaching the area should wash their hands with soap and water or a hydroalcoholic gel to be offered.
Regarding the content, although the models, guidelines and evaluation and correction criteria established at the beginning of the course are maintained, the UPV/EHU indicates that the exams have been "restructured". This meets two objectives: “Making the examination more flexible” and “ensuring equal opportunities”. In this sense, they have pointed out that this restructuring would entail "an increase in the optionality" of each analysis.
Agent requirements
Gora Ikasle on Borroka, LAB, Steilas, FeSP UGT, sortzen, Ikastolen Elkartea and the Platform for Defense of the Basque Public School have accused the Administration of "unilaterality" and "lack of knowledge and information" to a large number of students. In the joint manifesto, they have called for the examination to be carried out "in decent conditions". Students have asked for "security" against the virus and "equal opportunities" for evaluation. For their part, the Abertzales students, since last April, have claimed “the suspension of the model of habitual selectivity”, that is, “the application of a form of evaluation that facilitates the students”. The specific requests they made were as follows: "advancement of dates", "realization of all students with the content of classroom classes" and "face-to-face examination".
Selektibitatea hurbiltzen ari da, eta ezjakintasuna nabaria da.
Asteazkenean goizeko bederatzietan hasi dira unibertsitatera sartzeko hautaprobak Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Bizkaia, Araba eta Gipuzkoatik, 11.251 ikasle aurkeztu dira guztira.
Selektibitatearen antzekoa, baina LOMCEren curriculumari segituko dion proba izanen da NUPek eta Hezkuntzak prestatuko dutena.