They repeat the two candidates for Geroa Bai: Uxue Barkos will be the candidate for lehendakari from the Government of Navarra and Itziar Gómez will be the candidate for the mayor of Pamplona/Iruña. Last Saturday the deadline for nominations for the party’s primary women, who were the only ones to be elected, ended. The Roster Committee shall give the approval of the two candidates, after which it shall be ratified by the Monitoring Committee.
In the case of candidatures to the Government, it was necessary to have the support of at least one of the adjoining groups, such as the PNV, the Atarrabia Group, Zabaltzen, the urban centres or the 15 members of Geroa Bai. The person submitting the application must be bilingual. In the case of the candidates for the City of Pamplona, the support of the four groups that make up the coalition and of at least 10 members of the centre is essential. In this case, it is also essential that the candidate knows the Basque and the Spanish language.
Following the nominations to the Government and the City Hall of Pamplona, the other towns and cities will be announced: Egüés Valley, Altsasu, Zizur Mayor, etc.
This news has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
Bizi Zizur herri plataformak bildutako 1.754 sinadurak nahikoa izan beharko lirateke Udalak (Geroa Bai) herri galdeketa deitzeko, Zizur Nagusian jarri nahi dituen 65 zaintza kameren gainean.