The Andes of the Curve (Susa, 2021) by Uxue Apaolaza offers “a rich reflection on identity and otherness”, according to the jury of Literature in Euskera formed by Lourdes Otaegi, Ane Labaka, Jon Martín, Yurre Ugarte and Josu Jimenez. At the time of awarding the prize, he argued that Apaolaza's work is "written in a muscular prose that reads gladly". He has also emphasized "the language that adapts perfectly to the content", "in the intense dynamic of the reformation of the great city, the reader will intuit the awakening gaze of the protagonist to delve deeper into the prayers of the details". Ten years after the publication of Mea Culpture in 2011, Apaolazak published the collection of stories El andén de la Curv-read here the interview by Kepa Matxain-. Apaolaza is a columnist for ARGIA, among others.
For its part, the Euskadi Prize for Children and Youth Literature in the Basque Country has been awarded the album "Inside Hotsak" by Leire Bilbao.Para the jury formed by Manuel López, Larraitz Idarreta, Karla Fernández de Ganboa, Ziortza Onaindia and Patxi Zubizarreta, "is a formal rhythm of poetry". The fascination with the unexpected fusion of the text of the book, typographical games and images offers the possibility of various readings.” They added, “It’s a book that can read the sounds of the interior with the ears and listen to them with the eyes, played and filled with refined humor. It also highlights the excellent work of composition, layout and illustration of the book.” In fact, the illustrations in the book by Leire Bilbao belong to Maite Mutuberria, who will receive the Euskadi Prize for Literature of the Illustration of Literary Work. Leire Bilbao has won the Euskadi Prize for Children and Youth Literature in the Basque Country for the second time. In 2017 he also won the prize with Xomorropoems and other beasts edited with the editorial Pamiela, and the illustration of the book was also by Maite Mutuberria.
This year, Maite Mutuberria will receive the Euskadi Prize for Literature in the category of Illustration of Literary Work by her book Irrimola. For the jury, Mutuberria’s work “moves the concept of illustrated album to another dimension, a book object designed in circular format, whose composition allows experimentation and play with reading. Behind the illustrations there is a worked concept, together with the proper use of graphic resources, which reinforces the different layers and modes of reading. In addition, the planning of images takes advantage of the repetition of the geometry of the circle recalling other references, such as the planisphere or zootropes, and turns its reading and re-reading always into another pleasure that makes the book an inexhaustible work”. Javier de Isusi, Maria Altuna, Jon Mantzisidor, Yolanda Mosquera and Miren Asiaien have formed the jury of the Literary Work Illustration modality, and have summarized in the reasons why the award has been decided, “Irrimola is a gateway to literature since childhood. An ode to play and joy.”
Euskadi Literatur Sarien aurtengo edizioko azken irabazleak zein diren jakinarazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak, haur eta gazte literatura eta itzulpenaren arlokoak.